
Added by :
Archael Magic
Created :
8 years ago
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region Sci-Fi with ridable vehicules, nice ambiance, HG VisionZ magazine archives, FrancoGrid Association archives, freebies, full perm

And from now, a new space station ! Use our teleports to go there.

Et maintenant, une nouvelle station spatiale ! Utilisez nos téléporteurs pour vous y rendre.

AlphaBase is back ! Now on OsGrid ! Come to visit us. Our sci-fi environment, our many freebies are here for your pleasure. Feel free to take all you want and be welcome !

AlphaBase est de retour ! Désormais sur OsGrid ! Notre environnement sci-fi, nos nombreux freebies sont là pour votre plaisir. Prenez tout ce que vous voulez et soyez les bienvenus.
Hello, in order to leave the server all the power for an event, the Alpha_Base region will be closed from June 16th to 19th. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.

Bonjour, afin de laisser au serveur toute sa puissance pour un événement, la région Alpha_Base sera fermée du 16 au 19 juin. Veuillez nous excuser pour la gène occasionnée. Merci de votre compréhension.
In test, on Alpha_Base, go to the center of the holodeck then type in chat "Odinateur ?" Or "Computer ?" Without the quotation marks but with the capital letter ... then see what happens ^ ^ Feel free to come to postpone your impressions and suggestions. Have a nice visit.

From now on, You can had HG VisionZ magazines at "Icosphere". Thanks to Sunbeam Magic for her help :)

From now, there is a shop with free avatars and Sci-fi stuff. Full perm

Region Status:
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Last checked:
1 years ago

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Reviews (3)
Overall Rating:
Thirza Ember France in Space! what's not to like? Accessible from any grid.
Jude Connors "Destination does not allow visitors from your world." What a crock of crap.
Cherry Manga Welcome Back dear =^_^=

Region Comments

Thanks Arch! the images are amazing!!! HUGS ♥