Celestial Japan

Celestial Japan
Added by :
Jillian2000 Quintessa
Created :
6 years ago
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Tsuki Mura Village has moved to Utopia Skye Grid. It's an Edo Period village dating from 1600's to 1856 A.D. Self-guided walking tours with map and notecards. Or take a tour from the village square on a small paddle boat. Our river is deep and wide enough to accommodate large sailing ships. Tie up at the dock and have a sake at the Seaman's bar.

Tsuski Mura village is always open for visitors! Come see our shops and tea houses.

New! Chinese Classical Garden -- Come see a small garden patterned after one in a US city. Enjoy! The garden is located at hop://discoverygrid.net:8002/Celestial%20Japan/635/427/23

Tsuki Mura Japanese Village Grand Opening
Where: Celestial Japan
When: 6 years ago [2 Feb 2019 15:07 SLT]

February 2
After months of work, the Edo period Japanese village Tsuki Mura has been recreated, after disappearing during the InWorldz downfall. The village has been expanded and is opening for tours and business. The Grand Opening event will feature DJ Cataplexia Numbers from 1:00-2:30pm SLT and dancing on the village square
Hawaiian poet and author Lani will be storytelling from 2:45pm to 3:30pm.
After 3:30, visitors are welcome to conduct self-guided tours with provided notecards, maps and landmarks.

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Reviews (2)
Overall Rating:
(Unknown) The Japanese theme in virtual reality is my passion! As soon as I teleported, I immediately met and had a good conversation with the creator of the Region. Arigatōgozaimashita, JillianQuintessa-san! Thank you for your hospitality and for the beautiful metaverse region! Rating - 5 from 5 !
Amaranthim Talon I have followed this beautiful sim from its beginnings back on IW. When that world went away, the Metaverse lost so much! Fortunately, like a phoenix, rising from the ashes, Jillian salvaged Tsuki Mura and brought it back for us all! Do not miss your chance to explore this lovingly created echo of ...

Region Comments

Now the village has been expanded and there's more to see -- Sumo ring, more teahouses, temple, hotels and public bath. There are also performance stages. Feel free to dance along with the geishas in the Willow World pleasure district.