Oceania Central

Oceania Central
Free Land
Added by :
Social Mouse
Created :
5 years ago
Traffic Rank:
Avatars in Region:

The Social Mouse Welcome Region
What you will find
▶ Starter Avatars ready to wear ( Men and Women Mesh)

▶ Area to find Free plots within the various newly built communities

▶ Registration Terminal Get register in the sim!

▶ Welcome Packet

▶ Don't have to register to live in communities!

The Social Mouse will be closed to all outside visitors -- until our Grand Reopening :-) See you soon!

Good Morning! The Social Mouse Grid will be unavailable due to planned and scheduled maintenance see you shortly!

The Social Mouse would like to Congratulate the Social Resident's who won the Amazon Gift Cards -- These Residents have truly displayed what it means to be a Social Citizen -- Congrats and Merry Christmas from The Social Mouse Keep up the Great Work !


Special Promotion - Free Region for Displaced Residents
Due to the recent issues in OpenSim, The Social Mouse would like to be a part of the solution in helping all of those who have been affected. Inquiries will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. REMEMBER, Social Mouse Grid Cares!! If you are experiencing a bit of an issue and need a place even temporarily due to the grid being down or your grid has recently closed permanently ((GCG or otherwise)) Please message me and fill out the form below - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0BhohzyIm521V6x...

Special Promotion - Free Region for Displaced Residents
Due to the recent issues in OpenSim, The Social Mouse would like to be a part of the solution in helping all of those who have been affected. Inquiries will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. REMEMBER, Social Mouse Grid Cares!! If you are experiencing a bit of an issue and need a place even temporarily due to the grid being down or your grid has recently closed permanently ((GCG or otherwise)) Please message me and fill out the form below - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0BhohzyIm521V6x...

Good Morning!! The Grid is getting ready for the hottest Sexpo you have ever seen!!! The Social Mouse Grid will be going down for Maintenance @ 6:30 am SMT See you all @ 9 am SMT

Social Mouse Cares
Where: Oceania Central
When: 4 years ago [8 Oct 2020 09:15 SLT]

Social Mouse Grid Cares!! If you are experiencing a bit of issue and need a place even temporarily due to the grid being down or your grid has recently closed permenantly ((GCG or otherwise)) message me for a region - WHile Supplies last -- Social Mouse Grid Cares about all of opensim BIG Hugs Stay Strong RL has gotten too overbearing recently with the onslaught coverage of all the death tolls resulting from covid -- some of us are at home going stir crazy -- we login here to escape and an escape is what we all need --- LOVE YOU OPENSIM FAMILY!

Social Mouse Grid Cares!! If you are experiencing a bit of issue and need a place even temporarily due to the grid being down or your grid has recently closed permenantly ((GCG or otherwise)) message me for a region - WHile Supplies last -- Social Mouse Grid Cares about all of opensim BIG Hugs Stay Strong RL has gotten too overbearing recently with the onslaught coverage of all the death tolls resulting from covid -- some of us are at home going stir crazy -- we login here to escape and an escape is what we all need --- LOVE YOU OPENSIM FAMILY!

Looking for a drama-free community? looking for a free place to live on a stable grid? message me here or in world and we can make that happen!

Due to Covid- 19 The Social Mouse Will be Looking to give current residents Regions on a case by case basis - If you are interested please message me in-world - Stay Safe.

Female Starter Avatar - Just Wear!

Female Starter Avatar XP

Male Starter Avatar - Just Wear and Go!

Social Welcome Island Region :-P

Region Status:
Avatars in region:
Last checked:
4 years ago

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Upcoming Events
No events

Reviews (1)
Overall Rating:
Harmony Beningborough I came to shop this morning and met Ernest! Had I not met him, I would have shopped and gone home, but he directed me to LifeonPi which I thoroughly enjoyed...and I have been exploring Social Mouse for at least 2 hours and I'm not done yet!! There is soo much more here than shopping! The regions are...

Region Comments

Scheduled Maintenance 6:30 am est to 7:30 am est . Please bare with us :-) - As the Region will be unavailable at this time
Is now completely up - Behind Schedule - giggles
Scheduled Maintenance 5:30 am est to 7:30 am est . Please bare with us :-) - As the Region will be unavailable at this time
Grid is Up!
Scheduled Maintenance 7:30 am est to 9:30 am est . Please bare with us :-) - As the Region will be unavailable at this time.