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Monentes Jewelry


Monentes Jewelry
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Created :
5 years ago
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~Home to Monentes Jewelry~

"Exclusively designed jewelry by a copyrighted jewelry designer."

Please never sell in SL

Summer Butterflies earrings available at Monentes Jewelry store-Free -Full Perms
continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

I admit it, I love to make rings. My friends all say, enough with the rings already lol I promise next week will make nice earrings or a set again. Here is the latest ring.
Fleur Band-Free Full Perms continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

Butterfly Band-Free Full Perms
continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

Treble Clef Earrings and Pendant-Add pendant to your favorite chain. Free - Full perms
continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

Aquamarine Tri Stone ring-Free Full Perms-
continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

Silver Waves Band-Unisex-Free Full Perms-

Spinel Pazazz for the lovers of gold-Free-Full Perms

Monentes Jewelry offers rings of timeless beauty...and free

Flower Power ring-Free-Full Perms-This is a golden ring, very pretty when worn.

Hearts Intertwined-Free Full Perms-continuum.outworldz.net:8002/Monentes%20Jewelry/114/200/42

Thank you Betty, this ring was created with you in mind "Fashionista Solitaire" Free - Full Perms hop://continuum.outworldz.net:8002/Monentes%20Jewelry/114/...

Pretty links copper bracelet-Unisex-Free-Full Perms

Simply Stated a new set in Rose Gold. To celebrate our new office theme of rose gold and copper. I am including a pendant, so that you can add it to your favorite chain or bracelet. Free/Full perms


Created one last ring for the day, Simple Romance Free-Full Perms

New Sapphire Ring for Men-In the Men's Dept-Free -Full Perms

Vivid-Free-Full Perms-Amethyst-Solitaire available now.

Thank you everyone for all the support! So many of you have stopped by and shown support. We simply could not do it without you, it keeps us inspired :)

I had the pleasure of attending one of Gertie's sets. What I loved the most about her was her upbeat and exuberant personality. I wanted to create something to remember her by. This charm bracelet has a music note with her name. Free-Full Perms

Monentes Jewelry has lots of bangles and cuffs. All full perms and Free

Candy Haven from AMV thank you!! I tested the jewelry with my test avatar, and you are right, there IS an issue with that group gift script. I will remove the script and make the jewelry for sale for 0, giving contents instead. That way you will have a folder in inventory with the jewelry. I apologize to those who tried to obtain that jewelry that did not give. Anytime there is an issue please let me know. I am removing the scripts as we speak :)
Crescent Star Choker-The crescent represents progress and the five pointed star, light and knowledge. We wish these things for you.
Free-Full Perms

Butterfly Silhouette earrings, very pretty when worn.
Free-Full Perms

Hetero us, "Us earrings" a guy and gal. We celebrate love at Monentes Jewelry. LGBT earrings are available too. Each earring can be your choice too, male or female or both genders

Swirly band, available now at Monentes Jewelry - Free - Full Perms
Please don't forget to check the shelf- to the left then first right of the foyer. This shelf has latest releases.

Please meet *Huggie Bear* pendant on leather neckcord-Free Full Perms-We all need a little hug from time to time.

Just placed Eyelashes by MM in the Monentes Jewelry store foyer.
Free-Full Perms

Please meet "Sissy" the Bulldog :) Silver bulldog on black leather neckcord. Free-Full Perms

**UPDATE** I had so much jewelry in the foyer we were tripping over the boxes!! We moved all the latest jewelry in the middle room next to the Men's jewelry. From the foyer turn left and then take a right. I have a big shelf with all the boxes. Latest release will be in the foyer, then moved to this shelf so make sure you check it too!!

Mariposa Solitaire, little butterflies encircle a beautiful opal-to celebrate Spring/Summer Free-Full Perms

Rope Hoop Earrings-Large Silver Hoops-Free Full Perms

Peace choker now available at Monentes Jewelry Free-Full Perms
Peace and love, it is as simple as that.

Monentes Jewelry is now on a new region at con.tin.u.um grid. Please update your landmarks and make sure you stop by for the latest free full perm jewelry. We just added this ring today-Brilliance solitaire. We hope to see you soon.

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Reviews (12)
Overall Rating:
Tigerkitti Eberdene I found some of Marianne's jewelry in my inventory on a different grid avi. It seems I have had most since GCG days. In particular, my favourite is a beautiful diadem that I wear often. I came and visited the store and found a few more awesome pieces. Wow, such lovely items. And I found bubblegum! T...
Lillysparks love love love my new assortment of sparkling accessories! Thank you! Genius! xoxo
Melanie Sawyer Nice shop, with some beautiful jewellery designs. Thank you
