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Trianon Complex Adult

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thank you all who came out to the Ballroom event today.. and heard Adani and my announcement.. You are all invited

TGIF Disco going hot and Strong just the place to be.. hurry down to the Trianon.. ask for a ride over

The Ballroom is filling up but always room for more, Dont forget about the Outfit for the ladies being gifted out today between 2:30 and 3:00

still have a long time and have a lot of room for you at the Ballroom on the Trianon, come on down and enjoy the love songs with Essensual

Such a wonderful day at the Ballroom today, Its Jenny and Desmonds Anniversary.. Happy Anniversary to you, may you have many more happy years together

even with out a beacon counting we still have a great show at the dance.. come on down and enjoy some of the best rock music

Its Essensual's Birthday.. and we are having a party and YOU are all invited!!!
1pm Evan Live will be taking the stage to entertain you with his sweet sounds
2pm Charice will take over the stage and sing for you with her sultry voice.
So come join us in the Formal Ballroom September 7th from 1 to 3pm as we celebrate Essensual's Special Day!!!
hg.trianon-world.com:18002:Trianon Complex Click the portal to the Ballroom

Just started and the floor had to get bigger.. so lots of room for you.. so come on down

The Music is hot, the dancers are Hotter.. come on down and enjoy The TGIF Disco

Hiya everyone out there who reads my posts. Im looking for 3 Djs to entertain at 3 underused venues, right now its DJs choice on days and times. It can be any time there isnt already an event on the grid.
The first DJ Im looking for is someone who enjoys being a dinkie, to play at Funzies World.Music is your own choice, as long as the dinkies enjoy it.
The Second is at Glide Roller Rink which is at the welcome area of the grid. Play Roller dance music and requests, doesnt need to be disco cause I do 70's and 80's disco at TGIF on fridays. Just need to have some fun with it.
Third will be One Love beach Club, now I really want someone who enjoys playing Calypso, Soco, Dub, and Dance Hall. This will be a venue of Barbados and these are the styles of music they play there.
All Djs will work on Tips, if you cant sell Gloebits I can take them for you and send you the money once a month. DJs should also have a mic and use it.. and enjoy what they do. I know I do. Check out the calendar and find a good time for your events.
The Last venue mentioned is still under construction so I am not in a hurry to find anyone but someone who would be perfect for this place.
Come see Essensual McMahon on hg.trianon-world.com:18002:Trianon World Welcome . Looking forward to hearing from you.

Love Songs bring out the best people.. come and join us

Fetish Factor is the happening place tonight with DJ Esse back behind the decks

Come join some onice people listening to the Classic ROck of DJ TC at the Fetish Factor

Come join us at the best dressed ballroom in Opensim, with the best dressed people

Having the Time of Our Lives in the Ballroom today

still have time to enjoy the love songs with us in the ballroom.. come on down remember its FORMAL

Floyd Fest still going strong

Julys Land Sale.. purchase a regular regions and for $5 have it surrounded in water. you sign up in July and receive this pricing for 3 months then it is the regular price. Contact Essensual for your own piece of the world

still time to join us.. hg.trianon-world.com:18002:Trianon Complex in the Ballroom

Still time to come join us fro a wonderful Love Song Set with DJ Essensual

What a great night.. Glad you all made it out tonight.. Happy Fathers Day

thank you every one who came out for PROGRESSIVE Rock night ..

lots of new people in tonight.. Thank you every one

Come on down to the Best Disco In Town,

how about that they heard me sing and didnt run away... still have more music to play.. come on down

oh I want to know what Love is, so I listen to love songs.. come listen with me..

Get Down Tonight at TGIF with DJ Esse

Love Songs draw out some of the nicest people...

oh we have a lot of room left .. come on down and enjoy some Rock tonight hg.trianon-world.com:18002:Trianon Complex

Thank God Its Friday and DJ Esse is playing the Disco tunes.. its a disco inferno

oh we are loving th e80''s come join us, make a request, enjoy dancing

what a great day at the Ballroom today, had a couple get partnered during this great 70's love songs

oh we have a group of wonderful people here tonight.. come on and join us

Just started and already the main floor was packed so opened up the side floors.. so now lots of room for you .. come on down

TGIF time to Dance.. come on down and enjoy the show..

Still an hour left to relive the 60's come on down..

thank you all who came out tonight.. still have some times to go

the place is Hopping with Bunnys.. Happy Easter every one still time to join is come on down

Great Crowd today for Rock Ballads.. Come on Down ..got to love them

HELP WANTED: We are looking for 2 DJs, one who enjoys dressing as a Dinkie to DJ on the DINKIE region called Funzies World. Playing Pop music, come visit hg.trianon-world.com:18002 and Message Essensual McMahon
The Second DJ we are looking for is a Bajan DJ who plays Calypso, Soco, Dancehall, and Dub to DJ at One Love beach Club contact Essensual McMahon if you fit the bill. I am still working on One Love beach Club, the Club is done but the rest of the region needs work. Contact me what time and dates are good for you to DJ, and any fee you might want, or if you will work for tips alone.
thanks in advance
Essensual McMahon
Owner of Trianon-World

still have an hour or more to go, and I saved room for you.. come on down