Trianon Complex Adult


Cheating with alts ...advice resistance owner ..TP thing and all. Never reading what ppl say about landing using OSW.. Against OSW TOS all the time with 3 alts on 24/7 lol..The owner must need such fake much

2 years ago - mark as helpful (27) - report

Tailor Nova
Peer pressure just to go to a party!!! This is what comes from Second Life and should not be in Open Sim. This is how you can scare away guests.

2 months ago - mark as helpful (25) - report

Richard Lagoon
Peer pressure just to go to a party?? NO THANKS, I have enough of that in SL!! 10 users at the party here but 4 of them are the 24/7 fake traffic Avis Nice party winks!!bye the way.I don't like being told what to wear either!!If I wear jeans and a shirt and shoes that's fine.The main thing is that I'm not naked, right??But a suit?? No, I don't have to and I don't want to either!

2 months ago - mark as helpful (24) - report

Alex Leo
They demand too much from their guests in appearance, although they themselves look clumsy and have unkempt avi. Hey, first get yourself in order and then demand.

5 months ago - mark as helpful (23) - report

Otto vonOtter
You land in the welcome center and have no clou where the party is at. You need to use the map and fall 3000 meters to the ground. Thats 37 stone in the metric system. Then, you're getting attacked by killer bushes. Too complicated for my taste.

3 years ago - mark as helpful (22) - report

The Trianon Complex is a very warmful place,
here, you can find always good tunes, a cheerful
owner and a great DJ as well, and always nice guests joins party.
Come visit the region and just enjoy the time there !

5 months ago - mark as helpful (21) - report

Hey Hey all been a while since i been on here but i wanted to say that i been in Trianon Grid and still going strong and loving every minute of it... Essensual McMahon has made an amazing place to live and be happy for all of us who live here... i love the amazing shopping venues, entertainment venues, wedding venues and so much more... residents have made different attractions for those who visit and reside here in Trianon Gird making it a homely feeling! Please come by and have fun with us. ♥

5 months ago - mark as helpful (20) - report

Trianon grid is a friendly happy sim esse and adani help with as much as they can alwasy there to help and if they cant help they will find someone fast to help we moved to trianon grid a month ago and have felt like part of the family

2 years ago - mark as helpful (19) - report

Nadeah Fur
A fantastic, unique experience here in OpenSim. The entire region currently comprises three different, but equally impressive clubs — each of which put a smile on my face. The passion behind the build is apparent and the atmosphere is on-point.

I visited (for the first time ever) in the off-hours just to look around and ended up having more fun than imagined. It was a delight exploring each of the clubs which were thoughtfully designed and exquisitely crafted down to the smallest of details. Novel concepts are employed to take the club ambiance to the next level.

The region implements materials and lighting throughout, but in a discerning fashion. A viewer with "Advanced Lighting" enabled will provide a marvelous experience and could be recommended. Luckily, efficiency is not sacrificed. I actually achieved a nice, steady frame-rate in each of the clubs despite the gorgeous visuals.

On my visit, I was fortunate enough to meet the owner & operator of Trianon, Essensual McMahon. She kindly took the time to answer all my curious questions and was very courteous and affable. I had a great time talking to her about Trianon, OpenSim and much more. I'm excited to visit again - and this time I'll go during one of the parties!

This place is a definitely worth seeing and if you visit, I'm sure you will be welcomed as I was. :)

Oh, and about the landing point discussed in other reviews; Just click the picture of the club you wish to visit /or/ walk into the picture to be teleported. That's all! Have fun!

3 years ago - mark as helpful (18) - report

Derrybeg Arabello
Essensual, each of your venues are beautifully and professionally done. I always enjoy my time there, great dj'ing and awesome tunes. You Rock!! Hugs, Derry

3 years ago - mark as helpful (18) - report

Kimberly Calister
Essentual knows how to make it happen, and sure makes a clubber out of a non clubber.. im not usually the party type, but ive been having a blast at her amazing sets with good friends and family.. she knows how to play those tunes well... ty Esse ;) . if you are looking for a good old time with your peeps, without all the added extra come look Essentual up on trianon grid, variety of events and loads of fun..

2 years ago - mark as helpful (14) - report

Passion Jumanji
Gotta add to this comment: April 2, 2024 . . . Esse really knows how to make a club hop. Not only that, she's an excellent teacher - she teaches classes in building on Sat mornings. She has lots of patience for dummy's like me! LOL! ;) She's a really good friend, too! ;) TY ESSE! STAY YOU! C U SOON! ;) HUGGIEZ! ;)

TY Essen! Your Club is AWESOME & so is your muzik! I really enjoyed myself this evening . . . I love that Dance ball with the new dances you put in too ;) The smoke was awesome! I thought my eyes were doing tricks on me . . . I came in and the dance floor was 4 squares than when I came back from AFK it was 8 squares . . . dunno how you can make a club grow like that but I never saw that before and I think it was FANTABULOUS! TY for the fun time I had while I was there ;) Huggelz ;) THIS CLUB ROCKS! ;)

11 months ago - mark as helpful (13) - report

CyberGlo CyberStar
The Trianon Complex is multiple clubs, with a central area to teleport from to each of the clubs depending on the day and time of week. This week I visited TGIF, an amazing dance club full of pulsing lights, a gorgeous mirror ball, and as an added bonus the entire club grows larger as more people appear. The experience in light, sound, and color is so vivid it's like being at a top disco club on the Vegas strip. A high class DJ with a smooth voice and a great sense of music supplies the endless tunes to rock your night away! It's one of the metaverse's TOP dance clubs. So if you love to dance, you will love TGIF. The club where Friday's are celebrated like it's the end of a millennia. Dancers, this is the club for you! Enjoy! I know I did. :)

1 years ago - mark as helpful (13) - report

I have been at a few of this sims dances and the owner knows how to throw a party. She has fun with the visitors, and loves to play what ever they might want to listen to. If this party keeps growing like it has she might need a bigger building. I will have to come to your ballroom dance too some day, I saw the building it is very well put together.
Thank you Essen, keep up the good work!!!!
UPDATE: I was on your new grid tonight. First off congrats for making your own grid, but all I can say is its faster than the speed of light. Rezzing in seconds and not minutes, I cant wait till your stress testing it with more people. and to all the haters out there, Essensual knows what makes people happy and delivers even at her own expense. Carry on young lady.

2 years ago - mark as helpful (13) - report

Jimmy Olsen
I see some giving zero starts to that and other sims from Esse. Guess are from some Butt-hurt... SIMs are nice well done and products has in an impressive large variety.. 5 stars for u and dont care about the "B.H" people lol

6 months ago - mark as helpful (12) - report

Hands down the best dances I've been to. The clubs are excellent builds in their own right, and in terms of themes they fit brilliantly.

Essensual is always willing to play requests and has never failed to have something I asked for. The crowd is always friendly and engaged and everyone is clearly having a lot of fun.

4 months ago - mark as helpful (11) - report

Trianon Complex is a wonderful place if you want to listen to good music
here you can always find good songs of all genres
from rock to romantic songs and there are always very good singers too the landlady is an exceptional person and also a very good DJ

6 months ago - mark as helpful (11) - report

Awesome place with a great atmosphere and amazing people. Moved to Trianon a month ago from another grid and have always felt like a part of the family. Esse has created an amazing place for everyone to enjoy and love with NO drama. Love this grid. Highly recommend to anyone looking for a new place to call home!

2 years ago - mark as helpful (11) - report

A very lovely region with different themed clubs to enjoy:) I chatted with Essensual and she is a very lovely person. I will be going to upcoming events to dance and enjoy:)

2 years ago - mark as helpful (11) - report

Johnny Rebel
This is a cool club. It is flawlessly built. Ya'll did good. Nice folk to. Thank you for sharing. ^^

3 years ago - mark as helpful (11) - report
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