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Trianon Complex Adult

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still have an hour or more to go, and I saved room for you.. come on down

Once Again Fetish Factor is the home to the Great Easter Bunny Dance. and when I say Bunnys I mean playboy bunnys. Come Join Essensual and the Girls April9th at 5pm. PS come see Essensual Before hand to pick up your bunny outfit. One Per Person Only.

thank you every one who came out to enjoy the Blast from the Past with Disney music.. it was a pleasure and fun for all

working on Over time now.. thank you every one who came today always a pleasure

We Sprung Forward and Landed at the fetish factor.. still some time left
hg.trianon-world.com:18002:Trianon Complex

the TGIF Disco is hopping tonight despite not having a working beacon.. come on down

lots of new people here tonight and some veterans.. every body here tonight is dancing to the beat

every one enjoying the 60's Love Songs.. still time left.. come join us

TGIF Disco open for business.. than k you all who came out tonight.. and watch fro a very special Disco set coming up soon..

if Love songs are your thing come visit the Ballroom..

Still lots of time at the Fetish Factor tonight.. come on down

oh Love Month.. and look at all the wonderful couples dancing.. still time and room for you..

No plans for Valentines Day? Make The Trianon your place to be. Starting at 10:00am DJ Essensual is going to warm you up for at 10:30 Live Artist Varda Silver will be here to entertain you for an hour of great music. Followed by Shayne Aridian at 11:30am with his wonderful voice for an hour. And end the day just cuddling and relaxing to opensims most unique danceball with over 125 couples dances, and DJ Essensuals soft love songs. 3 hours of entertainment starting at 10:00am and ending when you are ready.
Join us at our hg.trianon-world.com:18002:Trianon Complex and Click the portal to the Ballroom

Happy new Years to every one

thank you every one who is came out tonight..

thank you every one for coming out tonight.. hugs and Stuff.. hope you have a good Christmas

still room for you.. come on down and enjoy some great 70's 80's disco and a few Christmas Tunes for you

still have time to join us in the ballroom.. hg.trianon-world.com:18002:Trianon Complex

Grand Opening and Christmas Gala December 14th starting at 11:30 with Essensual and her Ballet presentation, Clan and the Band at 12:00 to 1:00 Esse is back at 1:00 and at 1:30 Shayne Aridian brand new to Opensim World. Come early and enjoy!!

first dance at the brand new TGIF.. come and see for yourself how fast it is.. Rezzing and TPs

thank you to all who came out tonight.. I do enjoy seeing every one dressed up and enjoying the music

thank you to every one who came out to the Ballroom today.. I am so glad you join me for these beautiful songs

I go for a nap and come back and find a pre-party started.. come on down in you want before the normal event

20 minutes in the dance floors are opened up and people flocking in to get the left over halloween candy..lol TGIF

thank you every one who came out today.. still a bit of time for you to enjoy

oh come on down and enjoy the DISCO with us at TGIF

still time to go in this 1978 rock set.. come on down

thank you every one who came out tonight.. hugs you all

still time and space left for you.. come on down to the Fetish Factor

still one more hour left at the Love Songs of th e80's dance in the Formal Ballroom.. come on down. Bring a loved one or just dance with one of the Unique NPCs

I want to thank every one who came out to the fetish factor tonight.. thank you

oh 30 minutes in the dance floor is open so lots of room for you..lol come on down

just opened the doors and they came in.. come on down

the Ballroom is hopping but still room for you to come dance with us

just opened up the floor.. lots of room for you and your friends .. come enjoy the Classic Rock with Esse

still time for you to gone the rest of US enjoying some TGIF

Happy 21st again and again.... You are all invited to celebrate my birthday over in the Trianon's Ballroom.. All friends Old and New are welcome to join us for some great entertainment.
ღ ☆ღ ☆ღ ☆ღ1pm Clan and the Band ☆ღ ☆ღ ☆ღ ☆
ღ ☆ღ ☆ღ ☆ღ2pm DJ Essensual ☆ღ ☆ღ ☆ღ ☆
ღ ☆ღ ☆ღ ☆ღ2:30 Lonewolf ☆ღ ☆ღ ☆ღ ☆

Still time for you to come enjoy

come and enjoy some of 80's best love songs

Thank God It's Friday, the beginning of the weekend.
Time to Hit The Disco.
So hurry on down to TGIF and dance the night away to the great DISCO music of the 70's and 80's with DJ Esse spinning the tunes which made Disco famous. NEW TIME Fridays 4 to 6pm

NEW LOCATION hg.osgrid.org:80:Trianon and Click the portal to TGIF 4pm every Friday
Set in the big city, were at night the latex and leather rule the streets, lays a club the Fetish Factor with the "Expanding Dance Floor™" so no one feels crowded.
Come as you are or in you are favourite Leather or Latex to the BEST Party on the OS in the 5pm Sunday Time Slot. And dont forget about the LaTeX Source being right across the street for now. Free Latex
DJ Esse playing a Classic Rock and your Requests.
every Sunday 5pm grid/PST
hg.osgrid.org:80:Trianon and Click Portal to the Fetish Factor