Lioness Den


Lioness Den
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Created :
3 years ago
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An African Savanna wildlife habitat reserve. Here you will find many of the animals of the beautiful land of Africa, also plants and flowers. Walk, ride or fly your tour, but most of all enjoy this very relaxing environment.

The Lioness Den is a Savanna Safari that I originally created about a year and a half ago on another grid, and because that grid went private, I moved it to another then was invited to genesis roleplay grid. Here you will find that the Savanna has grown and gotten more beautiful and interesting with lots of animals to enjoy and some you can even pet. The settings are nice "watering holes" in the Savanna with beautiful animals and plants, waterfall and mystery places with tiny creatures, one just has to find them. Also be careful walking through the tall grass one never knows what lurks in there. :D

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Reviews (5)
Overall Rating:
JFlame Revisited and found everything. Not sure what happened the 1st time but the second visit was really amazing. So well planned out and attractive. Well worth a visit. !~!!!!
DavidBarjesse The landscaping is gorgeous, the scenes are amazingly true to nature so that you feel you're actually in Africa in a wildlife preserve. The builds are very nearly all original and well done especially the clinic, museum and villages. The animals are beautiful and really come to life, and the infor...
Thirza Ember Outstandingly interesting and lovely region. If you like animals this is a must see.

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