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JUG Project is the region dedicated to all worldwide Joomla! User Groups.

The need for this region arose basically to help and raise awareness in the use and understanding of Joomla! and the use of JOpenSim.

The region is divided into 5 spaces.

1. Learn about and understand the use of Joomla! thanks to the video tutorials present. In the same area is preesent both the Community Builder extension (extension for Joomla that is basically a profile manager, but allows you to make real social networks and is free) and JOpenSim that allows integration between Joomla! and the world of OpenSim

2. Design area where you can meet professionals to discuss your projects and draw them on paper.

3. Meeting/Courses/Pizza Bug & Fun area in this area you can organize Meeting or dorsi and thanks to interactive whiteboards and streaming sharing monitopr you can help and train other people. The Pizza Bug & Fun event is a well-known event for those who actively follow the world of Joomla! and is a collaborative event where opinions are exchanged, new extensions tried or under development are discussed, help is given to make translations of the CMS, but above all, new versions are tested in all its features by examining their proper functioning and in case of anomalies are reported. During the pandemic and still now this region is used a lot by the JUG of central Milan.
On this region you can meet, discuss, test and report bugs of new versions of Joomla!

4. Disco Area in this region you do not only work, but also think about relaxing with good music!

5. Games Area those who do not want to dance can listen to music and relax playing with others or alone with the games present!

#joomla #Joomla! #JOpenSim #jopen #jopensim

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