Avedon Park

Avedon Park
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Where yesterday meets myth, magic and beauty! EVERYONE is welcome! Explore and learn the history of the park and its founders, or perhaps you can solve the puzzle of the secret society! Explore the beautiful scenery or enjoy a hot air balloon ride. Play Greedy! Check into the La Fountaine hotel's suites, or just hang out in the piano bar. The perfect place for your wedding or event. There is ample hiking, photo spots and great locations for boating. Enjoy some Live music at Tesla's. Explore the secret garden. Shop at Luna's Landing. Please join our group and be sure to READ our simple rules to help you enjoy your adventure.

If the words you say are right
If you pay the price
She'll let you deep inside
But there's a secret garden she hides

Located at the edge of the gypsy lands, come explore The Secret Garden at Avedon Park. Explore the garden and relax inside the greenhouse pool. . Please join our group and be sure to READ our simple rules to help you enjoy your adventure.
Avedon Park is happy to welcome Clutterbugs, a small shop full of ...clutter! Some clever clutter. Some cute clutter, all kinds of clutter. All items are of good mesh quality and range from the smallest desktop item, to very large items. Come by and visit and be sure to explore Avedon Park! Everyone is welcome.
Come relax and enjoy a drink at the new at the La Fountaine Hotel at Avedon Park. For more privacy, check into one of the available suites. All are welcome and the hotel rules are posted clearly in the lobby. No magic is allowed in the hotel and all deals made within the hotel must be honored! Enjoy your visit!
Avedon Park is happy to welcome Chi-Chi's Boutique! Located at Luna's Landing in Avedon Park, Chi-Chi's Boutiques specializes in complete outfits and accessories for the Athena Petite and Legacy Perky mesh bodies. There are not one, but two stores to shop in. Stop by Lunas' Landing and explore Avedon Park. You can also find more of Chi-Chi's outfits at the beautiful Yin-Yang region.

SilviaFrey: Buenas noches. Sería tan amable de indicarme el hop donde se encuentra la boutique y también el de Yin Yan. El tp de la estación no me responde. Muchísimas gracias. 8 months ago
If the words you say are right
If you pay the price
She'll let you deep inside
But there's a secret garden she hides

Located at the edge of the gypsy lands, come explore The Secret Garden at Avedon Park. Explore the garden and relax inside the greenhouse pool. . Please join our group and be sure to READ our simple rules to help you enjoy your adventure.
Our new landing station at Aveon Park is complete and ready to transport you to wherever you want to go. Explore and learn the history of the park and its founders, or perhaps you can solve the puzzle of the secret society! Explore the beautiful scenery or enjoy a hot air balloon ride. Play Greedy! Check into the La Fountaine hotel's suites, or just hang out in the piano bar. Shop at Luna's Landing. There is ample hiking, photo spots and great locations for boating. Enjoy some Live music at Tesla's. Explore the new Secret Garden. Shop at Luna's Landing. Please join our group and be sure to READ our simple rules to help you enjoy your adventure.
I found this cool looking funky retro couch but alas it had no animation in it. I found the perfect fix with the "Pineapple Engine" from @AuroraAsteria located at her Starchild Shoppe at Darkharts. With barely two clicks I now have a couch with dozens of great animations in it. It is easy to use, even an idiot like me can do it!
Highly recommend!

hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Darkhearts Boutiques/398/395/23

Rhowin Blackwell: A huge thank you for the heads up about Starchild Shoppe! I was very pleasantly surprised to find items I hadn't yet seen, as well as the plethora of adult time fun options that are available. 10 months ago
Oi! Are you still playing the same 20 pop songs on your land stream? Are you putting your visitors to sleep with "Chill Traxx"? That's just cruel!

Dial in the the best radio station in Open Sim, Second Life and beyond! Over 1001 hand curated music tracks for over 122 hours of quality music! (You don't hear the same 10 songs five times a day like every other stream.) You'll hear the best of rock, pop. hip-hop, indie and even a little jazz and country classics. We are never too loud and definitely not too soft! Hey, you can event to go to our website and request a song. You say and we play it!

At Black Cat, we do not spam you with advertising and we do NOT collect our listeners location to send local ads to them. (That is SO creepy!) We are 100% listener supported.

Feel free to come visit our radio station at Avedon Park. You can even grab a free mesh radio to stream us on your land.

Website: https://blackcatradio.rocks/

Land URL:

*(NOTICE: The statements made by the staff at Black Cat Radio are not endorsed by the management or staff at Avedon Park! We apologize for their salty language! They drink heavily and they make a mess! However, their music IS the best, so we do tolerate them ...barely*

Finnegan: Best stream on any grid! 11 months ago

If you are out and about tonight, come by the park and enjoy some great music and great people. We have some high-energy music that is guaranteed to get you through the rest of the week.

ToryRepublic: yay! nice 12 months ago
What do you do when two of the best DJ's in SL spontaneously show up with stacks of music? You have a party! So grateful for DJ Calliope and DJ Shona dropping in and entertaining us at Avedon Park! Be sure to come by and join the Avedon Park group so you don't miss the next party when it breaks out!


When we last left my meandering rant, i mentioned that my landlord and (Undecel Masala at Masala Estates!) regarding two regions that had popped up right next to mine. I was "Avedon Park" and they were Avedon Forest and another name. When I explained that I had no relation at all to the owners of those regions, my landlord and HERO was kind enough to lift my region up and move it elsewhere. Apparently, they were just trying to copy as much of my whole damn region as they could. And soon enough, a region pops up using the same naming concept as me. (Avedon Park, How about Avedon's Peak? Mark's Park? or Avedon Place? Oh well. As so many like to argue, this is how we roll in OS and it "happens all the time". The saddest part is that these are people I associate with and consider friends!

Jump ahead only a month or so later that I started releasing the history or "lore" I have created and posting it here for people to enjoy. It is an overall narrative that applies not only to the region in OS but is also being used as part of a graphic novel, artwork, and music. It was less than a week that a similar "history' with just a minor change or two popped up at the previously mentioned region.
Anyone who says copying is the best form of flattery should be stripped naked, tied to the back of a truck, and drug down a main street.) Again, you can make endless arguments about how "everyone does it" "that is how OS works" and "no laws are being broken" (though I am learning fast that is questionable!). The point is that it shows a complete lack of INTEGRITY. It is such a shitty thing to do, especially in OS, where you are not likely to make any sort of financial gain from it, you are just doing it for "likes" and laziness.

But enough whinging. What can you really do about any of this? Well, after some research, I probably more than you think, especially if you live in the US.

First, say something! Even if you end up being wrong, it is important to publicly express your feelings on the issue and explain your work.

Second, Copywrites and protection through the DMCA are fairly easy and cheap (ie Free) to acquire. You can file for protection yourself for free, OR you can find someone who is already protected and simply absorb your content into their protection. And in the US you often don't have to file ANYTHING to be protected if your idea has been completed and made public, you can seek DMCA protections.

Now, and here we go back to just needing some integrity.

Idea vs. Expression:
Ideas themselves cannot be copyrighted. This means that the core concept or plot of your project cannot be exclusively protected by copyright.
However, the expression of that idea—how you write it down, how you present it, and certain details or traits—can be protected. (This is the future path I am walking but you should choose what works for you)

Also, OSGrid and other grids need to do more to police themselves. Know the difference between BOB Q Guy buying an item in SL or Kitely, copying it and bringing into Open Sim, and handing it out, as compared to someone just taking a person's work without payment or permission, and then claiming it as their own idea or concept. And don't assist them by allowing them to use your website and tools to promote a hijacked concept.

And finally, when it happens just speak out. you will take hell for it and you might even be WRONG, but speak up and let people know this hurts you.

and wow, did I just ramble on or what?? Sorry about that, but I do think there is a possible "integrity deficit" in our house and it would be up to us each to change that. I now climb off my teeny tiny soapbox and just wish you ALL a happy weekend. Feel free to come by Avedon Park and visit. We welcome everyone.

Verna Avril: I total agree with all your statements ..... they can hunt and shop and go to all trouble to get things and peoples regions should be safe from copy especially either copy all the best stu... 1 years ago

Was reading the back and forth of the infamous "arcane texture on my dance floor" with some interest. I have no connection to anyone involved, including Marianna, but this quote from her post hit home with me:

" they're not just copying pixels—they're co-opting the creative vision and storytelling of the original artist. They're diluting the integrity of the work and robbing it of its unique identity."
That is a huge problem for any creator, from Taylor Swift (who has to re-record her entire library after getting it stolen out from under her), all the way down to the poor guy who created that arcane texture god knows how many years ago years that probably 100 people have used without permission. From all indications, it is truly a bad problem in Open Sim. I wager this is why many artists who support themselves by their work or who want their ideas protected are hesitant to invest time or money into the "wild west' of OSGrid or open sim in general. To reiterate, I am not talking about copying an object or texture or pulling something from Second Life and redoing it. There are legitimate reasons for this. We are talking about the stealing of narrative and overall concepts that an individual created. Basically stealing someone's dream that they have risked sharing with the world.

Here is a small example:

It was only months ago I arrived in OS and decided to open up a small space on the OSGrid, Avedon Park. It was only days after that I was contacted by my landlord (Shout out to Undecel Masala at Masala Estates! THE BEST VIRTUAL LAND PROVIDER IN THE WORLD) regarding two regions that had popped up right next to mine....to be continued.

Marianna: I have always been a Swiftie, thank you. https://youtu.be/o5SQIECedTY?si=TG4lc5d3xzJPHO8e 1 years ago

let us entertain you! We've converted Tesla's old warehouse and laboratory into a quirky bar and grill. As always, Avedon Park is open to everyone of any shape and size. Come explore. Have fun.

The best radio station in Second Life is now available across the entire metaverse and the pirate DJ's at Black Cat Radio have landed at Avedon Park!
Black Cat Radio is an online radio station that is totally listener-supported based on the classic pirate radio stations that popped up off the coasts of the UK and in the deserts of the US in the 60's and 70's. It features a hand curated music library of over 1600 tracks (no repeats!) and is never too soft or too loud. What really makes Black Cat Radio cool is that you can go to their website and make a request or dedicate a song and it is played almost instantly! You can plop the land URL onto your land in Open Sim like we do at Avedon Park (http://usa19.fastcast4u.com/blackcat) or you can listen online. You can listen on your PC, play it on your buds or listen in your car!
You can visit the in-world radio station at Avedon Park. We've set them up on their own little island right next to "Nervous Charlie's" fireworks and liquor Store. Visit the station, hang out on the beach or, if you are brave, check out their grotto. We try to make them clean up after themselves, but it only goes so far.

Learn more at www.blackcatradio.rocks

...come explore.

The story so far...

Aurora Starchild: I *know* I still have to visit. But work is crazeh and little time I have I am using to bring some more pretty things for you folks 1 years ago
The newest addition to Avedon Park, Luna's Land illuminates the night and guides travelers across the waters of Avedon. Located in the elflands at Avedon Park South, the landing is still under construction but open to the public.
Babylon Farm sits on its own beautiful island at Avedon park. It was built in the 1920's by the film producer Don Wallach. Wallach was famous for his "notorious" parties at the farm, many often lasted for days. The remnants of those days still stand, and you can check out the beautiful farmland, wild horses, beautiful scenery, access to water, romantic getaways and.. is that an Elephant? What a party that was! Everyone is welcome at Avedon Park.
Welcome to the La Fountaine Hotel, the newest edition to Avedon Park. Come warm by the fire in our lobby after exploring the park, or check out the Piano Bar or our VIP Sky Lounge. For more privacy, check into one of the available suites. All are welcome and the hotel rules are posted clearly in the lobby. No magic allowed in the hotel and all deals made within the hotel must be honored! Enjoy your visit!
Where yesterday meets myth, magic and beauty! EVERYONE is welcome! Explore and learn the history of the park and its founders, or perhaps you can solve the puzzle of the secret society! Explore the beautiful scenery or enjoy a hot air balloon ride. Play Greedy! Check into the La Fountaine hotel. We are the perfect place for your wedding or event. There is ample hiking, photo spots and great locations for boating. We are extra proud to be the home of Black Cat Radio, the best music across the metaverse! Come by and grab a free radio! Please join our group and be sure to READ our simple rules to help you enjoy your adventure.

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Reviews (10)
Overall Rating:
Argentengel Beautiful sim, catch the music on a Wednesday night if you can. An amazing time with wonderful folks!
ZoeyRavenheart Just went for a visit and you've done a great job on your region Soda, well done!
Finnegan Amazingly beautiful sim! So much to see... endless creativity. As others have said, try to catch one of the Wednesday night parties if you can. If you are lucky enough to hear Soda DJ, you will not soon forget it.

Region Comments

So much fun! And it keeps growing!
By far the most creative space in OS! The attention to detail, friendly people make it the must visit place in OS
Barely scratched the surface here... took a nap inside the house on the second floor. :)
Beautifully Made region with memories of a place far far away