SilverFox Mall

SilverFox Mall
Added by :
Kishaki Grid
Created :
1 years ago
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Welcome to our beautiful new Mall!
Here you can find stuff for your Avatar, Creations, Regions & lot more! Happy Shopping!

Hey everyone, hope you are doing fine and had a great start into the new Week!

We just added new skins for female and a new skin for male. We also seperated full outfits from LovelyAmy to Crazyoutfits, wich can be found on 2nd Floor. Some male outfits are allready updated for Gianni & Legacy Meshbodys.

Also a small note about our escalators. Finaly we got them working so no need to walk anymore to the 2nd Floor but be aware that sometimes they will do ther own thing! :P

Have a great week and enjoy!

Amelia & Hertha

Yinni Benelli: I came back just to ride the escalators. =p Love that 'Victorian Gothic' dress! 24 days ago
Happy Sunday everyone!

We added 58 new Eyes and Freckles & Moles as BoM and for EvoX Heads. It can be found in our Pureface shop on the 2nd Floor.

The Eyes :
- BoM Eyes that should fit for most of Heads
- Hud for each Pack for Sciattisi´s EvoX Heads ( You can toggle between Eyes or use both same color)
- Keymap Texture for each Package

Important : The Hud only works with Sciattisi´s Heads

Freckles and Moles :
All Layers are Tattoo Layers. The face layer should only fit on EvoX.

Next step is to add more Male stuff :)

Enjoy and have a great Sunday
Amelia & Hertha

Zoey Cutey: Thank you! Oh ya, are you bringing back the chest minimizer layers? :P 1 month ago
Hey everyone, hope you are doing fine. We just added new Skins and Outfits for you in our Mall! Grab them while they are hot :P

We also working on own custom Nail System for Mesh Bodys and bring soon new Stuff for Legacy Males.

Amelia & Hertha

Marpil Grafenwalder: Weeeee!!! spectacular thanks for sharing! 1 month ago
Wir wünschen dir eine ruhige und besinnliche Weihnachtszeit. Möge dein Zuhause mit Wärme und Frieden erfüllt sein, auch wenn du diese Tage allein verbringst. Genieße die festliche Stimmung und die kleinen Freuden dieser besonderen Zeit.

Frohe Weihnachten


We wish you a peaceful and reflective Christmas season. May your home be filled with warmth and peace, even if you spend these days alone. Enjoy the festive atmosphere and the small joys of this special time.

Merry Christmas

Amelia & Hertha
🎉 Kishaki Grid celebrates its 1st anniversary! 🎉
🎉🎉🎉 November 9th 🎉🎉🎉

10 am SLT ( 19:00 GMT+1 )
Rogue Galaxy LIVE

11 am SLT (20:00 GMT+1)
DJ Hertha SilverFox

Howdy, we celebrate in a barn, dresscode is desired but not a must! The evening will be rounded off with country, rock ,dance, 80s & more.

Get into your country clothes and lets have a great Evening.

Taxi : hop:// Agave/133/224/27

Amelia & Hertha
Hello everyone, our Mall has now been opened!

We have completely renovated the stores for a better overview and more space for new creations. We also rebuilded the Mall with Prims for better loading times and performance improvement. If we think back in time, we started 1 and a half years ago with a 32x32m store where we had some clothes, now we count 15 Shops, 170x70m on 2 floors with textures, clothes, skins, tattoos, botanicals and more. This is our birthday present to you, for your help, your feedback and your visit to us.

New Shops :

- Fox Jewelry (Jewelry for Males, Females & Unisex)
- Creative Box (more than 1283 new seamless Textures with Adv. Lightning Maps)
- ShoeFactory (Shoes for LaraX, Lara, Gianni, Legacy)
- BlueGents (Fashion for Gianni & Legacy)
- Venus Lingerie (Underwear)
- FoxSound Design (Enviroment Sounds)
- Botanic (Landscape Stuff for your Region)

Updated :
- Pureface (38 new Body Skintones, 6 Male EvoX Skins, 4 Female EvoX Skins)
- LovelyAmy (Lot of new clothes for LaraX, connected both Floors via Stairs)
- SilverFox Weddings (New Dresses & Shoes)
- DecoQueen (8 new things for Decoration)

We hope you like the things and that you find something nice for you!
You can also join our inworld Group for future updates.

Happy Shopping
Amelia & Hertha :)

AnKaBi: wouw die mall ist ist super schön geworden ♥♥♥ 3 months ago
Hello everyone, we will be shutting down our mall until 3:00am SLT due to the upload of the new OAR and checking all vendors that everything will work.

Teleports to the region are not possible until then. We will open the new mall punctually at 0:00 our time (GMT+1) (3pm SLT). You can look forward to many new things. A detailed list will be announced later.

Even though our grid is only 1 year old, we have learned a lot in OpenSim and got to know a lot of new experiences and nice new people.

Amelia & Hertha

🎉 Kishaki Grid celebrates its 1st anniversary! 🎉
🎉🎉🎉 November 9th 🎉🎉🎉

We look forward to seeing you there at 9th of November! 🎊

Amelia & Hertha

🎉 Kishaki Grid celebrates its 1st anniversary! 🎉
🎉🎉🎉 November 9th 🎉🎉🎉

We are excited to celebrate the first anniversary of our OpenSim-Grid, Kishaki! On this special day, we are opening our completely rebuilt mall, filled with many new Shops and exciting offerings.

At 10 AM SLT (MEZ 19:00) (UTC +1), the talented Rogue Galaxy will be singing for us, adding her wonderful music to the celebration. Come join us and celebrate this special milestone!

We look forward to seeing you there at 9th of November! 🎊

Amelia & Hertha
Hello everyone, we want to let you know that new Stuff arrived at our Mall!

* Easycool : *
- New T-shirt with 50 Colors (3 Huds included) fits on Gianni & Jake.

* Botanic : *
- New River System
- New Dirt Roads

* DecoQueen : *
- Lots of new Decoriation Stuff that fits in your Home

* Lovelyamy : *
- 5 New Complete Outfits for Lara X & Athena
- New Skirt for Lara X
- New Hoodies, Sweatshirts and Shoulder Crop Sweatshirt for Lara X

* Pureface: *
- New Skin "Noel" for Lelutka EvoX (6 Colors)

You can also grab the free E-Scooter at our Entrance. Every Vendor with new Stuff, will be signed with a "New" Button for 2 Weeks to be found faster.

Happy Shopping!
Amelia & Hertha

Mogan Chaplin: Great Mall. lots of new items. Thank you for sharing. 5 months ago
Hey everyone just want to let you know that we changed name from SilverFox Designs Mall to SilverFox Mall.. the Landmarks you made will not work anymore. We also got a new Outside Design for the Mall and will work the next Days on the interrior ... Amelia got also new Decorations for you to share :) Happy Shopping!
Important Information about our Mall!

Hello everyone, due to a server change from Windows to Linux and the setting of the support for the Kubwa Manager, I was unfortunately unable to transfer any group information to the new database. The server address "" and all regions remain the same. We run now a bigger Server with Opensim version Nessi (0.9.3). I would be happy if you visit us again, that you join the group again. Have a nice weekend everyone! Amelia & Hertha
We happy to announce that our new Mall is opened right now !

As you seen we didnt posted new updates the last 2 Weeks. We used the Time to build a Custom Mall for more space so we can grow.

Why a new Mall? We builded a modular System so we do not need always to change the Land. Every Store got a own Brand name so do not be confused about :)

We got so much new stuff done:
* Male Hair Shop as Requested ( 60+ Hairs with 6 Variation )
* Wedding Shop with Suits & Dresses
* Mesh Nail Shop
* Furniture Shop
* Decoration Shop
* Flower Shop
* Skin Shop ( ofcourse with new Skins )
* Sound Shop
and much more!

As requeseted there is allready a Inworld Group Joiner.
We hope that you like the new Mall and ofcourse there will come more stuff for you.

Happy Shopping,
Amelia & Hertha

Sylvia-Koeln: Thx for the quick and friendly Help 12 months ago
Hey People,

you had a great start into the new Week? We had a small delay with releasing new Skins. Amelia & Me married last week in Real Life and we had a great Honeymoon!

We want to share with you new EvoX Male Skins in our Mall for you.

The matching body Skins are also ready to get!

We also working on a new Area for Landscaping Stuff. Amelia and me got lot of Custom Mesh works done in Blender in the past Months uploaded to Opensim and ofcourse we want to share it with you as well!

You can join our Group inworld too to stay informed!

Take care & Happy Shopping
Amelia & Hertha

Sodasullivan: Congratulations on your marraige! Thanks you for taking the time to bring these skins to the guys! 1 years ago
Hey there,

we added more and more Skins for your EvoX Heads!
We also thank everyone for Feedback and to let you know about, the Body Skins also work on Athena, Lara X, Reborn and Persephone Body.

There are also 14 EvoX Heads (Avalon, Briannon and Ceylon) in our Store that we fixed with the flickering Lashes and shiny Eyes.

We started to add Skins for Males too! Same like on Female Side, there are 14 Colors with 3 different Skin types ( Slim, Fit, Dad )

Happy Shopping and Sunday
Amelia & Hertha

KatKakoola: I'm there as I write this - nice! Interesting things, sweet designs and a lovely open spacious mall. I'll definitely put Silverfox on my frequent visit list! 1 years ago
Hey everyone,
hope everybody is doing great today.

We have just updated our store with new Skins for Athena and EvoX Heads, also a new Eyes Megapack!

32 Skins, each got 4 versions to wear on your Athena Body.
5 different EvoX Skins (includes Ears, Neckfix, Shape and Eyebrows) that works perfect with the Skin tones!
31 Eyes Megapack on the Skins Entrance on our Mall!

Happy Shopping
Amelia & Hertha

ZoeyRavenheart: Hi! Will you be doing skins for any of the other bodies or just Athena? 1 years ago
Hello everyone, hope everyone came good into the new Year 2024.

Yes, we still working on the Mall but as always Real Life crossed our Plans :)

We just released new Stuff for Gianni and Athena, as well as Tattoos!
Feel free to come around and check them out.

We opened our Winter Wonderland as well on Christmas. You had allready check it ? We just made a custom Ropeway inspired by the Ropeway Oberwiesenthal in Saxony/Germany.

Have a great Sunday.
Amelia & Hertha

Max Hill: Palast der Winde is a very beautiful region, it is a festival of colors, a real pleasure for the eyes. The atmosphere is successful 1 years ago
Just want to share with you, that we just opened our Winterzauber Region.

Welcome to our Winter Wonderland Region called "Riverdale Winterzauber"! Feel always free to come arround and explore 8 Regions of pure Natural Winter. You can Drive with a Automatic Train through the Hills or Join the Cafe in the Mountains via Skilift! Feel free to take our Free Ice Skates and drive arround the Sea. Do you know a German Weihnachtsmarkt? Explore him too. We glad to see you :)

We wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Amelia & Hertha
Hey everyone, hope you got a great Weekend!

We just opened back our New Store, finaly at our own Location/Grid!

Like we told in the last post, we got a few new things to share with you, a new and bigger Shop to explore and everything is more beautiful and clean worked out!

Please take a new Landmark and share us with your besties!

Btw. our WinterDream will open soon as well! You can explore 8 Region with animated Train, Skilift, Mountain Cafe, Wintermarket, driving Ski and Sled, Ice Skating and so on! We will let you know about it in the next days!

Amelia & Hertha
Hey, as you seen allready the Store is Offline. We got again problems with the rented Server and going to change to our finaly own Server. :)

To get everything perfect done, we need some Days to get the Store ready. Ofcourse there will be lot of new Stuff for you :)

Thanks for understanding and see you next Days!

Amelia & Hertha
We have moved to a new Location & Rebuilded the little Mall !

Ofcourse we have released new Heels and Pumps ( Fatpack with HUD ) & New Top´s and Hoodies for Athena (Fatpacks and Tintable Versions).

Feel Free to look arround and Enjoy :)
Happy Autmn everyone!
New Release!

We just released the Steven Formal Suit with Shoes for the Gianni Body.
A HUD is Included to change the Color / Texture of the Fabric, Shirt, Ties, Belt (also Hide and Show) and Shoes!

Hopefully you like it :)

Btw. : most of our Stuff will be updated time by time with HUDs to keep the Inventory clean! ;)

PinDeluca: Please sign me up for the inventory cleaning service ;P 1 years ago

Hey there and happy Sunday!

We added 17 new beautiful Clothes for Gianni and new Shoes as well in our Store! Feel free to check them out .


ToyBoy: Great looking clothing! Besides male clothing, women also are spoiled here Pin ;) 1 years ago

Hey also Gianni Stuff in our Store! More will come soon :)

Hey, lot of Athena Stuff to check :)
Feel free to join!

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Reviews (16)
Overall Rating:
Elena Agréable endroit ou tout est bien rangé et arrangé. C'est un très joli décor. Merci pour vos partages et votre talent
LauraDyvall Eine wunderbar gestaltete Einkaufsmall, sehr schön geordnet, top Ware... einfach Klasse. Danke für die viele Arbeit und Danke für´s teilen :) LG Laura
Esti Mation Very nice looking region and friendly atmosphere