Hello everyone, our Mall has now been opened!
We have completely renovated the stores for a better overview and more space for new creations. We also rebuilded the Mall with Prims for better loading times and performance improvement. If we think back in time, we started 1 and a half years ago with a 32x32m store where we had some clothes, now we count 15 Shops, 170x70m on 2 floors with textures, clothes, skins, tattoos, botanicals and more. This is our birthday present to you, for your help, your feedback and your visit to us.
New Shops :
- Fox Jewelry (Jewelry for Males, Females & Unisex)
- Creative Box (more than 1283 new seamless Textures with Adv. Lightning Maps)
- ShoeFactory (Shoes for LaraX, Lara, Gianni, Legacy)
- BlueGents (Fashion for Gianni & Legacy)
- Venus Lingerie (Underwear)
- FoxSound Design (Enviroment Sounds)
- Botanic (Landscape Stuff for your Region)
Updated :
- Pureface (38 new Body Skintones, 6 Male EvoX Skins, 4 Female EvoX Skins)
- LovelyAmy (Lot of new clothes for LaraX, connected both Floors via Stairs)
- SilverFox Weddings (New Dresses & Shoes)
- DecoQueen (8 new things for Decoration)
We hope you like the things and that you find something nice for you!
You can also join our inworld Group for future updates.
Happy Shopping
Amelia & Hertha :)
| AnKaBi: wouw die mall ist ist super schön geworden ♥♥♥ 5 months ago |