Trouble Ahead @Trouble


Owner of Catronian Archipel in Kitely

Joined 6 years ago

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Catronian Archipelago
13 0 Archipelago 0 Users
Website: Video: When this region shows offline: it takes only 30 seconds to start up when you TP there. :) Catronian Archipelago provides a place for sailors and roleplayers. Lots of sea to sail on, and you can test ser...
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Activity is a great way to promote all the wonderful creations we can find in different grids and I think this is the purpose of this website. Promoting creativity, giving people the ability to explore and see what others create. This is why Im sponsoring this website with advertisements and announcements. Lately I observe this place is filled with comments of personal kind , ( some would call it drama ). I am sure the majority here visiting this website for the same reason as I do are not happy with the continuously posted remarks of personal kind ( and disrespectful) . I wish to ask all who use this wonderful website to consider , where it was built for. If this website will become a gathering place for people who wish to display their frustrations, it will chase away others who are willing to invest in this medium. Please take this in consideration before you post ( and please use English if you can, this is an international community)

Trouble Ahead : "It’s lack of accountability, especially when combined with in-group favoritism, that turns the internet into a l... 2 years ago

📝 Kitely Winter Fair

Yes , a market to show off your creations!

Now we all are in the holiday mood, we offer you a winter adventure.

A skating tour , 12 sims huge , leading you through a wonderful winter landscape with some nice details underway, like cabins for a rest ( or a cuddle ), Icy waterfalls, animals, and more surprises.

How does it work?

Hop : Archipelago

On the landing place a teleport sign will lead you to the winter fair/ skating tour start point.
Find the information board. It gives you historical information about this funny Dutch tradition, and an opportunity to collect all the original stamps in this tour and win the 11 cities trophy , which in the Netherlands is like being a local hero.

You will get a map/ texture and when opening your world map, you will be able to locate all the checkpoints by comparing the map with your position on the world map. We introduced this bc too many people got lost on track and miss stamps !

Drag all your stamp textures on a notecard and sent it to me. You will be rewarded . I will mention names of the people who are in the "hall of fame" in this thread.

Oh, and don't forget to visit the market with all its freebees !

Happy skating!

Trouble Ahead : Who finished the tour? Kimm Starr Cooper Swizzle Dot Matrix Congrats !! Prize is free shopping in the fair ! 2 days ago

Today 12.00 PM noon Grand opening Kitely Winter fair! DJ Melanie Auxifur will play and fair is officially open! Come dance , or get your skates and do the tour in a 12 sim wide winterwonderland !

Trouble Ahead : and this was the event !! 4 days ago

Kitely Winter fair setup. Merchants from all grids welcome. Opening 15 dec with DJ Melanie Auxifur!

Trouble Ahead : HOW TO GET THERE: Archipelago Use the winter fair sign to teleport. Pick TWO stalls you like and rezz a prim so people can see its taken. It is popular it seems :) so m... 26 days ago

Parcel at Opensim Fest is ready !! Phew !!! And I made a little typical Dutch freebee.

Thirza Ember: It's so pretty! the Safari - Inworld Review plot is next door so I spend a lot of time distracted by your gorgeous build! 1 years ago

Display for Opensim Fest : building there. Also for Christine Nyns scripting work in ships. ( Nynja Custom scripts)

Trouble Ahead : You can find this on the Unobtanium section. 1 years ago
Built as a city town house: A very realistic model from the city hall in Wernigerode Germany, one of the oldest one in Europe. Great fun to make such an old town house ( built in 16 th century ) into the virtual world in one of our ports.

Trouble Ahead : You can find this building at: Archipelago Please use the teleporter to Port of Morgan to see it in world. Soon available on Marketplace 1 years ago

Trouble Ahead : 2 years ago

Someone came to make pictures ... thanks to 4ever Solstice

MillyAnnMorgana: Very nice picture, dark, moody & Mysterious! Was wondering what size pictures work best to upload here?? 2 years ago

All facilities there you need in the little town
Port Hope

Maximus: Definitely can't be trusted...why I might just drop in. 2 years ago
We made an island for our group member Eduard Milev from Ukraine who we did not see in a long time. He made wonderful arms for all kinds of RP, scripted, and you can visit this island and see his work. Visit our sims and the shipwrights shop to TP there. Or search his name in Kitely Marketplace.

Jerralyn Franzic: Awesome, hope he's doing well. :) 2 years ago
We made an island for our groups member Eduard Milev from Ukraine, from who we did not hear long.

Trouble Ahead : He made wonderful arms for all kind of RP. You can come see them by visiting Catronian Archipelago and visit the shipwrights to TP there, or just look at Kitely marketplace and search on name. 2 years ago

More islands made. for people to live in..

CataRaven: Trouble Ahead made beautiful island with a beautiful house on Catronian Archipelago! Come and check it out:)) 2 years ago
Kitely winter fair is close! 15 th of December noon 12.00 Pm grand opening! Want to see what's on the fair, the new builds, the merchants and freebees ? Check it out here.
Announcing the Kitely Winter Fair at Catronian Archipelago!
We are organizing a winter fair for all merchants who like to do some advertisement for their work. We offer you a little market stall where you can put some vendors or boxes to show off your work. :) Freebees are encouraged but not needed of course.

The market is on a winter themed platform sized about 12 sims. Most of the platform is used for our 11 cities skating tour, that has been popular every year and will give the skaters who finished the tour and collected all stamps, a nice prize. The landscape is wonderfully made with islands and lots of possibilities to skate, get lost, and find shelter in little cabins.

In the middle of the platform is a Dutch themed snowy city, with a small market place reserved for merchant guests who like to expose their work.
If you are interested to use one of the little stalls, please sent me an IM and I will make a reservation for you.

The fair will be opened sunday the fifteenth of December , close to winter holidays , starting with a party with DJ Melanie Auxifur.

Like to watch some sea battles at Catronian Archipelago? Or dancing dwagons on the pubs bar? :).

Like to watch some sea battles at Catronian Archipelago? Or dancing dragons on the pubs bar? :)

Ahoy captains and all ship owners! We organize a " DECORATE YOUR SHIP IN HALLOWEEN THEME" contest. All ships of all builders from all grids will be allowed to join the contest and the most creative and scary ship will win a prize in KC's. We would to like to do a cruise with the ships so the jury can make a decision ( date of the event will be announced). Your ship will be displayed at websites and a video production as well. When you want to join with your ship, please register with Trouble Ahead in Kitely.
Looking forward to see your creation! Show us your ghost ship, zombie crew, or whatever idea you will bring in!

For all who want to see how a sailing battle looks like

Battles get really challenging!

Come sail your own historical ship, free!! We made a ship ( see pic ) in a rezzer for all who wish to learn to sail the historical ship Statenjacht Utrecht. When you board the ship, a HUD for navigation will attach automatically on your avatar so you can start immediately testing the sails and the cannons! More people can rezz ships, so you can take your friends and have a test battle as well. You will find the rezzer by walking through the " sailing school " teleporter at our landing point, and you will find your way. There is a book close to the rezzer you can use as a tutorial , but we also arranged a personal teacher for you: IM in Kitely captain Snoots Dwagon for an appointment , he will lead you to a higher level in the sailing battles! Many thanks to Christine Nyn who made the rezzer for us. ( the ship flies a white flag, so no other captains will attack you! )

This is how sinking looks!! When you like action, we can provide you sailing lessons and a battle ship in a rezzer to join the fun !!!

Coming Friday the 22 th of March, we will celebrate the coming of spring with DJ Melanie Auxifur in Port Hope's theatre.
Chose the " Theatre/ dance floor" teleport at the landing place. Time: 1 PM viewer time, (for mid euro time , this is 9 PM)

Themed clothes not needed, but ... you can come as easter bunny, or as walking chocolate egg, we won't mind at all ! Archipelago

There is room for Gypsies now.

Chez Hans.. star restaurant in Port of Morgan :) for the ones who like dining while having a good convo!

A tall ship battle , ships with crews ! It's great fun. This is last ship standing ( mine :) ) burning! No cargo to steal, all was burned ! With many thanks to the Catronian Archipelago group members to make this event exciting.

No need to hang around for hours to know what's going on! Just read the gossip and news !

We offer wonderful free homes to people , and also private islands. Check it out here!

A misty swampy morning

We announce that we made a connection with the Vibel grid , " Neiferleaf " owned by Roland Francis.
Catronian Archipelago's members visited his sims and were very enthusiastic about theme and landscaping and we decided to connect the lands with teleporters on each others landing points. The purpose of this connection is to share traffic and make people with similar interests on different grids aware about the posibilities of role-play, and we also want to organise events that will take place on both grids. More information about this later.
You can easely find the gate to Neiferleaf on Catronian Archipelago 's landing point , a gazebo that will teleport you over or try

Enjoy the medieval theme, the wonderful forests and the great riding horses you can use to explore the lands. It's big, so take your time.
We are grateful Roland participates in this and work with us. For a fast impression on website:

16 sims for a skating tour ......

Welcome at our 11 cities skating tour !

In the Netherlands is a tradition in winter, when there is a long cold freezing period . They have the " eleven cities tour" ( Elfstedentocht) , a 200 km skating route that leads to eleven cities in the northern part of the Netherlands. It's very popular and the Dutch see it as an honor when you are able to skate the whole route in one day and get the " Friesche elfstedentocht " trophy as a reward.

We made a wonderful skating route for you with eleven checkpoints named to all the cities. When you find them all, you will earn the famous " eleven city tour cross "a trophy that is famous for all skaters all over the world ! The stamps , given to you at every checkpoint are the original stamps used in the tour in RL. Collectors items!

* Found all the stamps? Make a notecard , drag your stamp textures on it and sent it to Trouble Ahead.
Yay, when sending your full stamp notecard , you finished the tour and the famous "Elfstedenkruisje" ( trophy) will be sent to you, with some themed presents as well.

When you explore the place, you can find a Christmas market.

Find us in Kitely s main website " Catronian Archipelago" and use the teleporter near the landing point. Archipelago

Picture: the first winner of the tour , Miss Sea Pearl ( from The Netherlands )
Explore RavenSteyn. And who gives me the answer " what happened with the murder weapon" will get an original " ships and merchandise " ship of choice. From gunboats to tall ships! Click the coffins in the graveyard.

The accusation of Okwaho Euler and the stolen booze!!
Enjoy reading :)

Such a wonderful party we had with friends! Thank you Melanie Auxifur for being DJ !

What's happening at our place? Follow this link , weekly updated.

Catronian Archipelago has a new judge and major in its new city hall. . Please read below in case you need defense: ========================

Article 1
Dwagons are now offishully recognized as "Honorable Residents" and not as pirates and privateers as previously rumored. Snoots Dwagon shall be known as "His Honor" unless specific activities obviously indicate otherwise.

Article 2
Judge Snoots Dwagon's authority and judgment is conferred upon him for as long as he is willing to take the Honorable task of being Judge and Major of Catronian Archipelago. No other person shall take this role without The Honorable Dwagon's consent. This is a Title for Life. (Note that Dwagons are immortal, so that's a long time.)

Article 3
No Judge shall take a bribe of any kind from any entity, be it Navy, Seaman, Merchant or otherwise. However, donations are gladly accepted to the Orphaned Dwagons Fund for the protection of this rare and valuable species.

Article 4
The judge's judgment stands as given. No appeal is possible. However reconsideration of sentence may be possible upon donations to the aforementioned Orphaned Dwagons Fund.

Article 5
All witnesses on all cases are obliged to give him their honest stories whether true or not, swearing to say nothing but the truth by their hand (or paw) on the book of Catronian law, which doesn't currently exist but still the thought counts. Any law which is deemed to not exist at the time of Court and Judgment may be made up on the spot by the Honorable Judge.

Article 6
Accused ones can be defended by so called lawyers, attorneys and shysters, especially if they are too drunk to present their own defense or the evidence too clear and excessive for them to otherwise defend themselves.

Article 7
Judgment may be debated, discussed and cursed so long as members of the court bring enough rum for other participants participate equally. However the wisdom of Dwagon Judgment shall not be challenged nor doubted as Dwagons have two brains and the Judge has already thoroughly discussed the matter with himself.

Article 8
Any participant of court who proves unruly shall be removed forcibly from the courtroom, upon which they may pay the Judge to re-enter the court should they so desire.

Article 9
Punishments will be related to the deed of the crime, worse if the Honorable Judge is in a bad mood. Rumors that judgments may be tempered or lessened with bribes of gold, rum or cookies are emphatically denied.

Article 10
The Judge is allowed during his session of the court to use all fluid drinks that make his speech more sharply and his judgments more colorful.

Article 11
Captain Snoots Dwagon is permitted to change articles of the book of law on his own authority, and will announce any changes in Catronian Groups notices when he gets around to doing so. Any announcements not made shall be stated during or following a trial and shall be retroactive in nature.

Article 12
Law and order shall be the rule of the day. This applies to Navy, Pirates, Privateers, Captains, Gunners, Seamen, Merchants, Wenches, Swashbucklers and Scallywags regardless of race, creed or species.

Participants in the court are encouraged to wear flame-retardant materials.

-- This concludes the Catronian Book of Court Proceedure --

This document was written by educated professionals to be the core of Catronian Law and has not been at all influenced by Dwagons in any way.

To find the city hall and contact the Major: please use the TP to Port of Morgan, at the end of the docks you find Honorable Snoots Dwagon's residence.

If you visit our sims, you will find a giftbox with the Niitti Bwind scripted boat. Its Bwind scripts are full perm. Such a cute little sailing vessel! If you have one, use your Kitely avatar.

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Must see, one of the most beautifully landscaped places I have seen in OS.

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it is a pity when people allow those who are abusive in private to hide that, and see no reason for that to be brought into the light where it belongs. Protecting such abusive people adds nothing to this site here, pity.