Sugar Sand Adult

Sugar Sand
Free Land
Added by :
Neverworld Events
Created :
3 years ago
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FREE massive parcels. 8000 prims. yesh.
NEW!! 8x8 sailing region with impossibly MEGA sized parcels for free. 1/2 region sized or larger some islands too, did we say FREE? Stay as long as you like 8K prim allowance, , build your dream house, docks, boats etc. Just be a nice neighbor and live your virtual best life. parcels aare 25K-66K large. Click on the mailbox to start your lease, read the notecard and that's it. Anyone familiar with Aspen Free Parcels or the ORIGINAL not ripped off Free Parcels knows how easy it is to live for free in virtual

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Reviews (4)
Overall Rating:
Jude Connors Went here to look around and the Owner was initially VERY friendly and helpful. Unfortunately, the grid was slow as a snail and when I messaged the owner, she replied back in a tone that was quite opposite of before. Her reply: "Whatever". She then went on to verbally attack me blaming everyt...
JackSail A wonderful delightful place. It's one of the few very generous grids where getting a huge free island is possible. No pedantic procedures, just click an available mailbox on the land you'd like and presto it's yours, just start building or launch your free boat for sailing the fast sea. BRAVO Goveg...
SamaraBop Beautiful area with friendly people and a large body of water to sail around in, I'm very happy to have made a home there. Thank you Govega :D

Region Comments

just got a great island. can't wait to make it look nice. hopefully being from OS won't give me trouble.
Relaxation area where you can combine a good atmosphere with good people, good support and everything you need to live together in a community yay !!! ♥
Awesome collection! thank you so much. Your build is amazing.
I don't know why but most of the time I can't get there. I am in OS Grid and most of the time the TP says "Connection between viewer and destination region could not be established". I wish I knew how to fix this as I love this place and have my home there. It may be on my end somehow, but I wish I knew what it was. So sad
MisBehave we have moved to Neverworld and sim is available to all, osgrid has weird software so that is why we moved.
ok thanks you. Now it seems the most of my OS inventory will not rezz anyplace other then OS. grrrr. Love your place however