Holiday Haven

Holiday Haven
Added by :
Tigerkitti Eberdene
Created :
4 years ago
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My intention with this sim is to make a one stop shopping experience for everyone to enjoy.

**If you see something here that should not be full perm, know that is how I found it, and if you wish it removed please inform me. It is not my intention to have things available here that were changed without the proper permission.

***NOTE UPDATE***!!!! Holiday Haven was on Twisted Grid, but unfortunately that grid is now closed. May the co-owner CW Marksman R.I.P. Continued blessings to Tina his online/RL wife and family.
I am now in the process of amassing inventory and setting up the sim on Neverworld. It is a work in progress, so you will have to check back often. I will complete it as soon as possible. I am adding new items every day.

Holiday Haven is a shopping area on Neverworld Grid!
Everything here has been found on various grids, and is full perm and free!
Teleporter will take you to the other levels.
There is a separate level for Christmas, and another for Halloween, and yet another for the other holidays. All levels will have many items! More will be added often so it is worth visiting more than once for sure!

This is your "one-stop" shopping experience for all holidays. Everything is categorized for easy access. Donations of items we don't have yet are GREATLY appreciated!
Contact Tig Eberdene in world if you have anything to share, please.
This place will truly be THE place to find anything and everything for all your holiday needs.

Do you have a sweetheart to send a gift to? Someone special in your life? Well look no further. We have a lot of beautiful items at Holiday Haven for your perfect gifting. There is a teleporter that says Holiday Haven on it when you land at the winter level. Just take the one that says "Various Holidays" when you touch the board. Happy shopping!

Holiday Haven now as all the Halloween items out! More will be added always as I find items. Come check out all the cool stuff to plan for the next holidays!

I have added a lot of new items to Holiday Haven. Valentines, St. Patrick's Day and Easter items now available. There is a lot to go through. I still have some organizing to do, so please excuse the untidiness.
**this level is 1010 M up in the air. There is a teleporter, but if it doesn't work, just type gth 1010 in local chat.

Thanks! Hugs...Tig

I have been adding more each day. Come often to see what is new!

holiday Haven is taking shape. I have all people out now. There are some other Christmas trees, landscaping etc. Adding more daily!

Tainted Angel: This is wonderful, thank you so much for sharing!! Some of the animesh and other items people can't buy or copy, just a little heads up there. But I think its great with what you've got going so far. 1 years ago

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Reviews (9)
Overall Rating:
shawnkmaloney I'm actually looking forward to meeting this "super trooper nice" region owner.
EvaSeli So much to see!. From animesh to winter scenes. Animals, people.... a must see place if you are looking for some cool things. :)
Debra Ann Congi I've been collecting up a storm and revising stuff. Come on over and grab some stuff for your sim and share share share. Merry Christmas.

Region Comments

Teleport failed.
Unable to verify identity
I cant seem to get to your grid Holiday Haven I keep going to twisted gird I really need to get to your haven what can I co
Holiday Haven is now being made on Neverworld. Come follow this page to come check it out. I am adding more daily.
Hello. Unfortunately, the owner of Twisted passed away in RL so the grid is no longer, at least for now. I am now on Neverworld, and recreating this land there. Stay tuned!
Might want to work on the landing a bit. One falls from the sky.
The main landing is on ground level. Did you fall from the Halloween area?
no was logging into Holiday Haven Christmas. lol
Oh that is strange since it is on the ground?! I will see about resetting the sim to be sure there are no glitches.