Lioness Den


Lioness Den
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An African Savanna wildlife habitat reserve. Here you will find many of the animals of the beautiful land of Africa, also plants and flowers. Walk, ride or fly your tour, but most of all enjoy this very relaxing environment.

From all of us in The Pride to everyone, may you have a very blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy, blessed New Year. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

thedeeferry: Wow, what a gorgeous lion! Magnificent! ≧❀‿❀≦) Same wishes to you and yours. 12 months ago
We had an awesome visit from the HG Safari group on Wednesday, September 20th and it went beautifully. Though we didn't get to share everything in the region, that leaves room to return and see the rest of this beautiful and amazing region. The animals had a blast, or so they said, seeing all of those humans in their natural surroundings and a few even looked pretty tasty to them. We all hope to see you again in return visits to see and learn more about conserving and preserving our beautiful world full of incredibly amazing wildlife. Thanks for coming, and please come again soon!
This is just one of the many beautiful sights to see at the Wildlife Preserve called Peaceful Enclave located on the Lioness Den region of our grid. Glow worms are such a beautiful sight to see in their dark caves and this little cave is no exception to that rule. Stop in and tour the region, enjoy the animals and the landscape, there is just so much to see and you can tour on foot, on a horse or use one of our many vehicles available. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

LaviaLavine: On a side note, the preserve covers the entire 4x4 region not just the front quarter where the museum is. 1 years ago
If I have a region listed "no fly" it is for a reason, mostly because if you fly in those regions you will miss the beauty of the hard work that was done to make it worth visiting in the first place. I know everybody likes to get around fast and if a region owner makes their land that you can fly over it that's all well and good, but if they have it set to no fly, why not respect that. I watched someone arrive, wait a moment, then they were flying which meant they had to use the command to allow them to override my settings and that, no matter how you cut it, is disrespectful and rude. So from now on, if I am on and I catch you flying in my no fly regions you will be banned, not because you flew but because you disrespected my settings and overrode them. I really don't mean to be a b**ch about things but this kind of blatant disrespect really gives me the red a**. Further when I spoke to this person they just hovered above me for a while then left without answering, again, very rude and disrespectful. Truth is, if you ask me nicely I would probably let you fly, and I also have teleporters out for fast travel through the region. Just don't use the command to override the settings I have. Thank you. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Fred Beckhusen, aka Ferd Frederi: Prim a collider over their head to stop it. TP them back. Problem solved 1 years ago
Our latest arrival at the Wildlife Preserve are some wild Namib Horses. These horses are believed to be the offspring of German Cavalry, and were possibly abandoned after world war one. They are hearty and athletic and generally fare well until drought season.. I invite you to visit the Game Preserve and travel the entire region to see many of the animals in their natural habitats. There is more to the preserve than the restaurant and museum at the arrival point. If you love to just take a walk in a peaceful region and see the animals, then you will enjoy this. Blessings and much love, Lavia

OpenSimUser: Very Pretty there from the looks of it. 1 years ago
We are back up and open for visitors, though there is still a LOT of work to do, for now the museum is completed and even has a short video you can watch about the endangered Forest Elephant of Africa. There are some animals, not as many as before but they will be restored over the next few days. There is a lot of landscaping done but much more to do to make it a beautiful trip for visitors. I hope you will visit and enjoy - Much Love, Lavia
Lioness Den - the wildlife preserve will be off line until we get some technical issues corrected. Thank you for your patience and we'll be open again as soon as we can. Also doing some remodeling as in major makeover. We will notify you as soon as we're open for visitors again. And we apologize for any inconvenience.
The new Peace Enclave Museum located at my Safari Wildlife Reserve. This museum is dedicated to continuing awareness of our responsibilities to our animal friends that we share this planet with. While there must be a balance for healthy wildlife, to quote Mr. Spock "To hunt a creature to extinction is illogical", we must not allow continued poaching of these beautiful animals. It is my hope you will visit the museum and I will be adding to it and to the reserve as time goes on. This has become a very interesting project for me to dive into. Be Blessed, ~~Lavia~~

Star Ravenhurst: We are supposed to be the "Intelligent" species. And yet we can't figure out how to protect our most vulnerable creatures on this planet. Even the mightiest, strongest, scariest creature is no match f... 2 years ago
Checking out the reserves new baby white rhino named Regie. If you enjoy animals and wild life you'll love this wildlife reserve. I've had it now for over a year though it's been through 3 grids and servers till I found a nice reliable one. Come visit and take a raft or boat up the river and see the many animals, they're all over the place and the atmosphere is very relaxing and tranquil. But if you're coming looking for freebies...sorry we're not a commercial region or grid. We here for role playing, building and fun.
Just wanted to let you all know on a little side note here, if you're coming to Lioness Den looking for Freebies you're wasting your time. I don't have anything that isn't on any of the million freebie regions out there and we are not a commercial grid, we are a role playing grid. Now if you would like to visit just to see what we've built and how the nature reserve is laid out and the overall beauty of the region, by all means come and visit and enjoy. Also you will never capture the true purpose and beauty of the region by standing on the docks camming around, it really is better to explore to see it all.

Me fraternizing with the critters like Dr. Doolittle. It's so peaceful and restful, sort of like the Garden of Eden might have been. Stop by and enjoy it.

Lions and Tigers and bears OH MY! beautiful creatures in a natural habitat for your enjoyment when you visit the wildlife reserve of Lioness Den.

I love all nature, particularly the wildlife in Africa. And these fellows are one if the most amazing animals in the wild kingdom...Lions. And this proud lion stands guard over his pride.

Leopard family in their shelter/den on the side of the mountain. We've tried to make the reserve as "natural" as possible.

Giraffe family on the safari reserve Lioness Den. You really can't see all and enjoy all of the region standing on the docks camming around.

The Lioness Den is a Savanna Safari that I originally created about a year and a half ago on another grid, and because that grid went private, I moved it to another then was invited to genesis roleplay grid. Here you will find that the Savanna has grown and gotten more beautiful and interesting with lots of animals to enjoy and some you can even pet. The settings are nice "watering holes" in the Savanna with beautiful animals and plants, waterfall and mystery places with tiny creatures, one just has to find them. Also be careful walking through the tall grass one never knows what lurks in there. :D

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Reviews (5)
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JFlame Revisited and found everything. Not sure what happened the 1st time but the second visit was really amazing. So well planned out and attractive. Well worth a visit. !~!!!!
DavidBarjesse The landscaping is gorgeous, the scenes are amazingly true to nature so that you feel you're actually in Africa in a wildlife preserve. The builds are very nearly all original and well done especially the clinic, museum and villages. The animals are beautiful and really come to life, and the infor...
Thirza Ember Outstandingly interesting and lovely region. If you like animals this is a must see.

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