Tierra De Volcanes

Tierra De Volcanes
Alternate Metaverse
Added by :
Marpil Grafenwalder
Created :
1 years ago
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Tierra de Volcanes, inspired by the Canary Islands, a place to walk, relax. Disco, beach and volcanoes.
Shoping Clothing, accessories and complete avatars for men's and women's,
Tierra de Volcanes, inspirada en las Islas Canarias, un lugar para pasear, relajarse. Discoteca, playa y volcanes.
Tienda de ropa, accesorios y avatares completos para hombre y mujer.
TIKTOK-----> https://www.tiktok.com/@tierradevolcanes0?lang=es

hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/176/258/3827

News! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/168/407/3224 new area FEEDME!!!

Jared Seda: Love them all! Great new area! Thank you for the amazing creations as always. 5 months ago

News! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/168/407/3224 new area FEEDME!!!

Jared Seda: tasty! 5 months ago

News! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/168/407/3224 new area FEEDME!!!

Madison Rigolo: Oh thats cute! 5 months ago

News!!!! There is a dispenser! just wear it and whoever clicks on it can take a smothy (delivery is random) hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/70/336/3225

KrisTina: That tongue on the right tho... kind of spooky, wonder if she sheds her skin once a year. 5 months ago

News!!!! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/70/336/3225

Aurora Starchild: Yo me tendría que poner las dos a la vez. Y otra con cubatas :D 5 months ago

News!!! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/70/336/3225

Meowkittybunny: Thank you so much, it's beautiful :) 5 months ago

News!!! Takeoff jaket, Arm cover, Short Tshirt hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/31/296/3226

News! Damage Jeans- BIG TAG Tshirt hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/31/296/3226

LeonitasLionheart: Yay! I lava you for sharing these shirts, and the jeans make me erupt with joy! 5 months ago

News!!! this needs no introduction ....
you know where to find it lol....

Aurora Starchild: Ohhhh un nuevo local para....catequesis? :P 5 months ago

News! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/56/372/3146

Jared Seda: These are so cool thanks for sharing 5 months ago

NEW version includes Belleza (Ares) Jake hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/30/269/3226

Aurora Starchild: Eso eso, más ropitas pa los nenes, que siempre se nos quejan de que no hay! :D 5 months ago
Great news in Tierra De Volcanes, we are happy to announce the birth of "Tierra De Calipso" by Calipso Morsu a new area in the shopping with wonderful clothes at your disposal, don't miss it! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/78/263/3226

News! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/32/270/3226

LeonitasLionheart: Nice! I only humbly wish someone would include ares/Jake 😁 5 months ago

News! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/200/264/7021

SilviaFrey: Una fiesta para el recuerdo. Todo perfecto, la música especial y preciosa y todo el montaje espectacular. Muchas felicidades Marpil y equipo. Hay que repetir estos eventos. Gracias! 6 months ago

Soon! costumes to theme at the venue,
opening on the day of the event..... Thursday, July 4th

CyberGlo CyberStar: Wow! Absolutely gorgeous work! You have art in your blood! These are wonderful and I am so greatful that you are in the metaverse! We need more fantastic creators like you! Not only that, but fin... 6 months ago

Next Event!
in Tierra De Volcanes, Thursday, July 4th

News!!! Thunder lightning mesh effect (thanks to Jimmy Olsen for the arrangements for light and sound effects) hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/72/357/3146

Set Emily ready! :) hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/260/403/3223

CyberGlo CyberStar: How beautiful. I love it. Very exotic work! :) 6 months ago
News! Take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/77/425/3146
News! Take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/77/425/3146

Aurora Starchild: Ahí está, que estaba yo el otro día pensando ¿dónde se ha metido estaaaa? Precioso! 6 months ago
News! Take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/80/329/3146
News! Cybermart mini store building, inspired by sci fi, cyberpunk style, take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/88/398/3146
News! Take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/57/358/3146
We are happy to announce the participation of “Yin Yang Town” in the NEOJAPAN event.
You can find some of her wonderful outfits and decorations at the event, see you today Thursday 6th at 14 hr PST grid time, (22hrs europe)

Sodasullivan: awesome to see people come together like this! Great event! 6 months ago

NEOJAPAN with DjVeleroAlf, 13PDT....... 22hrs europe......

NeoJapan, DJVelero
Thursday 6 at 22hrs europe

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Reviews (30)
Overall Rating:
LunastarPhoenix I do not have words to describe just how amazing the Owners here are. I had some issues receiving items and immediately she came down and was patient and helped me. Some of the most beautiful items, neat and organized and felt just so welcome. Thank you so much for all your hard work. It is apprecia...
Jimmy Olsen Well built region and lot of goodies to grab. Sim owner is friendly and a nice builder. Gracias por todo, chiquita :)
Aurora Starchild Went to visit today, and what a treat! Gave me R.Lion vibes (and that's a good thing!) so much stuff that I had to just bookmark and decide to "raid" it later. All newly brought stuff too! Amazing work! Thanks for that!