Free Animals

Free Animals
Added by :
Diamond Sparkle
Created :
9 months ago
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New items I sat at landing: if you are looking for hats or whatever for St. Patty Day, you will find here also shirts and beanies.

Hello, happy Sunday to all. Many know I have a SIM called IRON HORSE as well. I have removed the name, and it is called Free Animals, Home of the ANIMALS… I have started, and all will be removed from the DALLAS. The animals only.

For new items, they are around the sim. On Free Animals and on Dallas, you can find many new items. If you cannot get an item, message me if I am here or not, and you can also find me on Discord under AVIWORLDS. I am opening FREE ANIMALS, but I am also still working here. Evenings I will close for just this week to get items done.

Thanks and have fun.

Gentle Dragonheart: I tried to visit, but I get a message that I have no access because the region is private? 21 hours ago

New Landing what you leave behind. Not sure if I added it in other stores, But we do have it at IRONHORSE as well.

Greetings for the morning. When I arrived this morning, a lot of individuals were asking for specific items. I opened Ironhorse for everyone to enjoy, and I've put up a message at the landing asking that you leave anything you like in a note card in the box so I can see if I can deliver it to you. If not, I swear to send you the item, the land, or the person I got it from. I agree that helping and sharing are at the heart of open SIM.

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Reviews (1)
Overall Rating:
Gentle Dragonheart An absolutely wonderful sim that has tons of animals, both animesh and static. The set up is great, part of it feels like walking through a zoo or a farm. Diamond is very friendly and helpful. I tried to get in when it was closed for the night, silly me being European I didn't realize my day is not ...

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