Paradise Lost Adult

Paradise Lost
Wolf Territories
Added by :
Xenon Darrow
Created :
8 months ago
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Welcome to the Divine Comedy! Paradise Lost is made up of three areas: Desolation, the Playa, and an adult festival and playground - Sodom.

Desolation is a semi-post apocalyptic town with some interesting living places and very questionable residents. It might be the result of the rerouting of Route 66 or, in another timeline / dimension, perhaps some unknown event occurred here that decimated the land. Either way, those who are here by choice or by force are...unusual. Be alert and aware.


The Playa is a massive music festival venue. If Woodstock, Burning Man, and Tomorrowland had a psychedelic fantasy lovechild, it would be the Playa! There is a bit of Electric Forest Festival laced throughout as well! The massive stage is designed to be an experience of its own! It is a psychedelic festival venue, so don't be shocked if there is some nudity.


Sodom is another massive music festival venue that is truly adult oriented and sex friendly / sex welcoming region. When you enter the gate to Sodom, you step into an underground accentuated by Pleasure & Pain. Leave the mundane vanilla world behind. Open your mind, body, and soul to a new experience. We may have named Sodom after a biblical term, but that is where the similarity ends. This is no particular underworld - it is an entity unto itself. There is only one deity we acknowledge in Sodom - the deity of Consent. Consent is required in all things.

You are responsible for reading all the rules that govern Sodom, located here:
You will want to review them periodically, as you are responsible for knowing them.

You called, we came. We have such sights to show you.


Paradise Lost is an Adult region, sex friendly, there is never real privacy. Absolutely no child avatars are tolerated. The security is set to automatically kick any avie that is 1M or under. Please ensure that your avie is just over 1 meter at the very least.

Your avatar is required to look like and behave as an adult. Management retains the right to decide whether this criteria is met. Simple rules: Don't be a jerk and consent is key in all things.

And there is more to come! Explore, enjoy, and most of all PLAY!

Come with me...and you'll a world of pure imagination...

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Reviews (2)
Overall Rating:
Marpil Grafenwalder a magical place, very well built, invites you to let your imagination fly and with this musical show even more so
Jimmy Olsen Interesting SIM building with a lot different kinds of scenery. If u not coming to the parties, it worth coming to take a stroll

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