Ardent Lake

Ardent Lake
Role playing
Added by :
Glenys Bieler
Created :
1 month ago
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Ardent Lake is a G rated family roleplay area and group, unlike most of Sub-Version Space Grid which is Adult rated. As a family roleplay, Ardent Lake includes child avatars so there are different rules for this area. To keep this community appropriate, we ask everyone to comply with these rules. Those unwilling to play by the rules will be removed and banned from the area.

Ardent Lake is managed by the Ardent Sisters (Parker, Chloe and Phoebe). Any one of them can assist if you need help, as can the grid owner Glenys Bieler or grid admin Tansy Fields.

We want this to be a safe space for those who wish to have a G or PG related roleplay with family and for the benefit of those who wish to play by the rules - we will remove those who do not.

We also have a few stores on the region: Tansy Field's Family Living and Re-Textured Petite, and Abbi Ashland's Ashland Jewelry. Come check them out - but remember this is a G/PG region.

• NO PUBLIC NUDITY: Obviously you can be nude in your own homes - you need to change clothes etc, but you should always be clothed when outside. Of course, we do realize that disconnections may happen at times, and you log back in in a public area - if that happens then please put some clothes on or teleport to your home as soon as possible. We won’t penalize for genuine mistakes or technical difficulties.
• NO SEX: This includes all public areas as well as your own homes. We are unlikely to start looking in your homes to check you have no sex items, but we will treat seriously any complaints. Remember there are other places in Sub-Version Space Grid where you can rent houses where sex is allowed between adult avatars.
• NO HARASSMENT: Harassing anyone will not be tolerated. This includes IMing group members and making inappropriate suggestions.
• ANY OTHER RULES WE DEEM IMPORTANT MOVING FORWARD: We want to have as few rules as possible as that makes as clear and easy to follow. However, we do recognize that as time goes on, we may need to clarify our intentions by adding more rules.

We have provided several housing options for families of different sizes as well as the orphanage. There are rental boxes in front of all the houses available for free rental here. Over time we may well extend the residential area if there is demand. The orphanage works slightly differently. If you wish to live here, then speak to one of the Ardent sisters.

Remember that there are different rules for living at Ardent Lake than other regions on Sub-Version grid. By renting a house here you are stating that you have read and will abide by the rules and keep your roleplay G or PG rated.

Reminder: Only those looking for G or PG based family roleplay should rent at Ardent Lake. Be aware too that, if you move in but never put anything in your house and do not regularly visit the community – you may be removed.

Parker Ardent has created a lovely little (not so little) Zoo, complete with petting zoo for the children. Come check it out - She's done an amazing job!

Thanks Parker!

Adorable "Youth Chairs" by Tansy Fields. Assorted themes like baseball, icecream or flowers.

Come get them now in the Family Living store on Ardent Lake.

Little ones are awesome - but sometimes they really rock!

Available now in the Family Living store on Ardent Lake

New comfy leather sofa, chair and ottoman. All in a very wide range of colours. All with G ratings and optional PG (with cuddles) rating for sofa.

Available now in the Family Living store at Ardent Lake.

Can't decide between animals or plants? Why not have both! These and many other planters available now in the Family Living store in Ardent Lake.

Fancy a new rug? What about two? Three? More?
Available now at the Family Living store at Ardent Lake

Ashland Jewelry is now available in Ardent Lake (as well as its original home in Princess). Abbi Ashland is no longer in OpenSim but her awesome work lives on !

Re-Textured Petite store now relocated from Princess region to our Ardent Lake region.

Hyacinth: I am in love with the color scheme. That is beautiful. 27 days ago

Some really fun kids beds and other kid friendly items. More added regularly to the Family Living store at Ardent Lake

Just a few of the items available in the new Family Living Store

New "Family Living" store by Tansy Fields. G and PG safe furniture, art and odds and ends.

Still being updated with new items so check back often.

Designed for use in our Ardent Lake G and PG roleplay area but suitable for anywhere that doesn't need or want adult animations.

Adoptions available now on Ardent Lake.

Find your family with an ad in Ardent Lake (G and PG rated ads only).

NEW Family Roleplay group and region in Sub-Version grid.

A G and PG only area for those who wish to have a family based roleplay. No nudity or sex, just family fun.

Please see the rules on landing before proceeding to the town.

Houses available for free rental to families and adoption ad boards available for use. All ads must be no higher than PG rated.

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