
Alternate Metaverse
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Cataplexia Numbers
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Softly is a tribute to love in its many forms, INCLUDING Poetry and sweet Irish Pubs! Home of The Quiet Man Pub, Bedlem Boys Tavern, The Live Poets Society & AMV's Got Talent- Open Mic! A little drink, a little dance and a bit of poetic romance!

The LIVE Poets Society- Alternate Metaverse Grid

The LIVE Poets Society is an aArchive of Poets & Poetry throughout history, Old & New, Deceased & Living, including an archive of OpenSim Poets

This is my little contribution to the Arts & Literature in OpenSim, To keep the works of masters alive and available, and to provide free readable poetry to anyone in OpenSim who wants to curl up by the fire with a few good poems.

The Archive currently contains multiple poetic works by 40 Poets and many more to come soon!

I will be also adding poetry from writers throughout OpenSim so please send me yours!! The best way is via Email to, this way you can reach me from any grid, though my home and the archive are located at Alternate Metaverse.

The Live Poets Society is lovingly dedicated to my Real Life Partner Chris, Known here as Yeats Xi.
We first met over poetry and have lived together for 25 happy years!

I hope you will visit this fabulous Archive that Chris and I worked on creating together!

Sincerely, Cataplexia Numbers, A living poet (141, 168, 23)


Click the LM twice to avoid the preset landing point

Archive of - Well known Poets throughout History

Allen Ginsberg 1926 - 1997

Anais Nin 1903 - 1977

Anne Sexton 1922 - 1974

Billy Collins 1941 - Present

Carl Sandburg 1872 - 1967

Charles Bukowski 1920 - 1994

D.H.Lawrence 1885 - 1930

Dorothy Parker 1893 - 1967

Edna St. Vincent Millay 1892 - 1950

Emily Dickinson 1830 - 1886

Henry David Thoreau 1817 - 1867

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1807 - 1882

Herman Melville 1819 - 1891

Khalil Gibran 1883 - 1931

Langston Hughes 1901- 1967

Margaret Atwood 1939 - Present

Maya Angelou 1928 - 2014

Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi 1207 - 1273

Ogden Nash 1902 - 1971

Oscar Wilde 1856 - 1900

Philip Larkin 1922-1985

Roald Dahl 1976 - 1990

Robert Bly 1926 - 2021

Robert Burns 1759 - 1796

Robert Frost 1873 - 1963

Robert Service 1874 - 1958

Rudyard Kipling 1265 - 1936

Ruth Stone 1915 - 2011

Sappho c.620 BCE - c.570 BCE

Sara Teasdale 1884 - 1993

Sarojini Naidu 1879 - 1949

Shel Silverstein 1930 - 1999

Sigfried Sassoon 1886 - 1967

Sylvia Plath 1837 - 1963

Tatamkholo Afrika 1920 - 2002

T.S. Elliot 1888 - 1965

Topak Shakur 1971 - 1996

W.H.Audin 1907 - 1973

William Butler Yeats 1865 -1939


Archive of OpenSim Poets

Cataplexia Numbers

Shaquita Johnson

Star Ruby

Potato Poetry (coming soon)

Valentines Karaoke at AMV's Got Talent Wednesday 1-3p @ Softly

Crystal, Cataplexia & Cliff bring you...Valentines Karaoke @ AMV's Got Talent
Love Songs & Couples Duets Light The night with Romance in this special edition Karaoke event!
4500 Karaoke tracks-Music is streamed to a wide screen TV via your MEDIA PLAYER & Sang In VOICE. (383, 131, 21)
Karaoke at AMV's Got Talent Wednesdays 1-3p @ Softly

A Karaoke event for all musical tastes, in the style of RL Karaoke clubs.
Music is streamed real time to a wide screen TV via your MEDIA PLAYER & Sang In VOICE. Most songs have scrolling texts with color visual prompts, others may just have texts. Some may have backup singers or "Low" vocals, some not. 5000- songs and growing- 2 hours of fun for all!
Host Crystal - Karaoke DJ is Cataplexia (383, 131, 21)
Backyard BBQ -The Quiet Man Tavern 4-6P Dj Jax & DJ Cataplexia
Where: Softly
When: 3 years ago [16 Jun 2022 17:00 SLT]

Get ready for an evening of Food & Drinks, Fun, Great Company and Exciting Tunes
at the Backyard BBQ At The Quiet Man Tavern on Softly Break out the shorts and bring your appetite!

4PM DJ Jaxson Texas
5PM DJ Cataplexia Numbers

Paul Nowles is a Virtual Entertainer, Vocalist,
musician, songwriter, and performer. Classic
Rock and local music from Cleveland - The North Coast..
Memorable tunes from New Jersey - the East Coast,
Original music created by Paul Nowles and friends,
and timeless rock classics from all over the world.
Bon Jovi, Springsteen, Tom Wait, John Cafferty, Michael Stanley,
Beau Coup, American Noise, Champion, Wild Cherry, Eric Carmen,
Artful Dodger, Robert Palmer, Bowie, U2, Matt Corby, to name a few...
Come hear music you have not heard in a long time, or something you
may be hearing for the first time. Music to bring back memories or make
new ones.

Paul is an exceptionally great talent! Don't miss him at Bedlam boys Tavern every other Thursday evening 5-6 pm!
Come an hour early for DJ Cataplexias Rock Pre Show!

Clan Escotia & The Band Live At The Quiet Man Sat 2/20 12n-1:30
Where: Softly
When: 4 years ago [20 Feb 2021 12:00 SLT]

Join us on Saturday, Feb 20th 2021 from 12noon-1:30 pm as Clan Escotia & his incredible traveling band Open "The Quiet Man - Irish Pub" @ Softly, Alternate Metaverse Grid, The party is out in the back live music gardens that the Quit Man & Bedlam Boys Tavern share.
Come enjoy the velvety smooth voice of Clan in this great atmosphere!

Paste to Map (426, 216, 22)

Terry TheWildman LIVE -Bedlam Boys Tavern 2/17 11a-12n
Where: Softly
When: 4 years ago [17 Feb 2021 11:00 SLT]

Terry TheWildman Performs Live @ the Opening of Bedlam Boys Tavern!
Terry is a great musician - Sings Blues Rock & Country and plays a mean guitar! He definitely lives up to The Wildman name!
Live Simulcast on Radio AMV
Come Join us!
Paste to Map (426, 216, 22)

Softly is a tribute to love in its many forms, INCLUDING Poetry and sweet Irish Pubs! Home of The Quiet Man Pub, Bedlam Boys Tavern, The Live Poets Society & AMV's Got Talent- Open Mic! A little drink, a little dance and a bit of poetic romance!
Softly is a tribute to love in its many forms, INCLUDING Poetry and sweet Irish Pubs! Home of The Quiet Man Pub, Bedlem Boys Tavern, The Live Poets Society & AMV's Got Talent- Open Mic! A little drink, a little dance and a bit of poetic romance!
Map Us
Softly is a tribute to love in its many forms, INCLUDING Poetry and sweet Irish Pubs! Home of The Quiet Man Pub, Bedlem Boys Tavern, The Live Poets Society & AMV's Got Talent- Open Mic! A little drink, a little dance and a bit of poetic romance!
Map Us
Softly is a tribute to love in its many forms, INCLUDING Poetry and sweet Irish Pubs! Home of The Quiet Man Pub, Bedlem Boys Tavern, The Live Poets Society & AMV's Got Talent- Open Mic! A little drink, a little dance and a bit of poetic romance!
Map Us
Softly is a tribute to love in its many forms, INCLUDING Poetry and sweet Irish Pubs! Home of The Quiet Man Pub, Bedlem Boys Tavern, The Live Poets Society & AMV's Got Talent- Open Mic! A little drink, a little dance and a bit of poetic romance!
Map Us
Softly is a tribute to love in its many forms, INCLUDING Poetry and sweet Irish Pubs! Home of The Quiet Man Pub, Bedlem Boys Tavern, The Live Poets Society & AMV's Got Talent- Open Mic! A little drink, a little dance and a bit of poetic romance!
Map Us

The Live Poets Society - Alternate Metaverse Grid

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Upcoming Events

Karaoke at AMV's Got Talent Wednesdays 1-3p @ Softly
in 18 hours - 0 likes - 0 comments

Karaoke at AMV's Got Talent Wednesdays 1-3p @ Softly
in 8 days - 0 likes - 0 comments

Karaoke at AMV's Got Talent Wednesdays 1-3p @ Softly
in 8 days - 1 likes - 0 comments

Karaoke at AMV's Got Talent Wednesdays 1-3p @ Softly
in 22 days - 0 likes - 0 comments

Karaoke at AMV's Got Talent Wednesdays 1-3p @ Softly
in 22 days - 0 likes - 0 comments

Reviews (1)
Overall Rating:
Debra Ann Congi What a beautiful sim. Well written heart inspired touching poetry.

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