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Freebie Mall shopping, mash clothes, furniture ,Great Hair ,
classics clothes ,Gift shop ,decoration need Help lets us know

I hope this postcard reaches you in good health and spirits. I am writing to you from the Dwell mall, the largest and most popular shopping destination on Gentle Fire Grid. It is a place where you can find anything you need, from clothes and accessories, to gadgets and games, It is also a place where you can have fun and meet new people, as there are many events and activities happening every day Gentle Fire Grid .

I have been exploring the mall and its various shops, and I have been amazed by the variety and quality of the products and services available. I have bought some new outfits, some cool gadgets, and some interesting stuff. I have enjoyed the music, the lights, and the atmosphere of the mall, which are lively and festive.

I have also made some new friends here, who have shown me around and introduced me to some of the mall's features and attractions. They have invited me to join them for some of the events and activities, such as dance parties. I have had a lot of fun and learned a lot from them. They have also told me some of the history and culture of Gentle Fire Grid, which is a friendly and caring community that values friendship and sharing.

I wish you could see what I see, and experience what I experience. I wish you could be here with me, and share this wonderful adventure. I hope you will have the chance to visit Dwell mall and Gentle Fire Grid someday, and see for yourself the wonders of this virtual world. Until then, I will keep you updated with more postcards and pictures. I miss you a lot, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend from the grid,

Dwell Mall is back Open please enjoy your shopping experience. All are welcome .

We are in the Kingdom of Del Dewel Mall prowling for our next victim will you be our next victim join us.
lol nothing but fun.

GOOD Morning / or afternoon Dwell is back and up and runing for your shopping experience is a great time for it we have updated our severs more smooth shopping experience enjoy from the Team at Gentle fire grid ..hop://gentlefire.opensim.fun:8002/Dwell/267/248/22
Dear Friends of Gentle Fire
We are opening an updated refurbished Mall
With a vast amount of new items, so feel free to
come and help yourself and look around .
the new Dwell!..

first opening of the mall is .5.pm grid time and 24/7 from launch
transport attached

SheaButter: Love the new look, and items. Thanks for sharing! 1 years ago
Dear Friends of Gentle Fire
We are open
feel free to come and help yourself and look around .Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause But for good reason , its now Open thank you from the Team at Gentlefire Grid hop://gentlefire.opensim.fun:8002/Dwell/256/275/22

Dwell Mall will be down for a face left for today , will be back up some time tonight or tomorow Monring

From Management Dwell Mall like to Give thanks to Those that inform me about the (GLITCH) Today at Dwell Mall really appreciate it. its now fix and back opens for your use . If your shopping and need Help please contact us we will come to Help .

Just want to chat and listen to music Join us at Star cups coffee shop
Every week . At Dwell mall hop://gentlefire.opensim.fun:8002/Dwell/174/122/25

Lilastone: This is the most awesome place to hang out and talk with friends so come and hang out with us here at the coffee shop. 2 years ago

At the Dwell its Free want your Picture done , Take a look at these Professional, for Visitor and Member as well. send a message to Emily

coming soon !

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Reviews (6)
Overall Rating:
Angel Morningstar I'm standing in the mall as I write this. I absolutely love it here. Everything is laid out perfectly, and it's very easy to find the things you're looking for. I'll most certainly be back here to shop. The only difficulty I had was finding the door to go into the door. But it's between the hedges...
Blossom23 The mall is absolutely beautiful many shops filled with lots of goodies and a few shops this is opening soon great place to be great place to shop great place to just walk thank you adore man for this absolutely beautiful surrounding
Milly Money really beautiful mall, was enjoying shopping and just walking around, suddenly was frozen for some reason. No idea why, its a shame, really liked this place. Oh well. Owner told me it was a no fly zone as the reason. But I wasn't flying :D

Region Comments

To Jfame (surprise) cause I do not find you on my board as being at Dwell Mall ,and as for the Mothers load for some people it could be . .This is a Garden mall mostly ment to walk threw and enjoy and Couse this is not Macey . For most people that take there time they see the teleport and use it to get to the second floor outside decoration and Garden. so please enjoy and walk through its perfect also most the time I'm available when people need Help as I was today when some one can in some Just there to Greet people thank you for your comment. have a Bless day