I actually considered canceling my account completely this week, so I just took some time to reflect. I put a lot of effort into everything we do, and if you believe it's only for myself, you're completely mistaken. We also work on Second Life and the open sim world. I detest being accused of being someone I'm not and called a liar. I have always taken people at face value. If you don't know me, don't criticize me. And I will support those I call who I consider friends or more, just like I did for Adora.
Everybody has their own problems and is constantly coping with something, so when someone has to play a game and is treated disrespectfully, I say enough.
It's unfortunate, in my opinion, that someone as young as five days old can create an account on this site and start so much drama. How come she can? Because she's got the money to do it. Unfortunately, money always plays a part in a lot of what we do.
Lise Please don't talk about anything you don't want to talk about. Which is it, Lester or Lise? Have a wonderful day, stop lying to people about who you are, and get out of Dallas.
Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!
wHAT YOU LEFT ME LISE.......THEN YOU BLOCKED ME LOL Good best thing u did!!
Lise 9h
Just for the record, as regard to the insinuating comment on my profile, it's from Dallas Mall (Adore), who operates several accounts on OSW. She was not happy with my comment about the toxic nature of Gentle Fire Grid.
| Kylie Brimmer: just saying i love visiting your grid and you always is awesome Dallas with many nice things. Don't let the haters or negative people letting you down. :( Btw Merry Christmas Dallas! :) 3 months ago |