Sirens Grotto

Sirens Grotto
Added by :
Isis Ophelia
Created :
10 years ago
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Currency in this region: Gloebit
Welcome - Willkommen - Bienvenidos
Venue La Ola Paramour dance ball 2.1 filled up. Music from 60 to 90s and House. Art Galleries. Original artists real or digital works.
Designer Shops
Men and Women fashion, shoes, skins, shapes, jewelry, clothing, prefab houses and much more.
Are you a DJ or live music Performer? Please contact Isis Ophelia in Digiworldz. Thank you.
Clubs La Ola. Schaue öfters hier für Ankündigungen.
Wenn du ein DJ oder ein Sänger bist, bitte schreibe mir entweder in G+ oder in Digiwoldz. Name überall: Isis Ophelia. Dankeschön :)
Der sim Sirens Grotto hat auch Art Gallerien mit künstwerke von verschiedene Künstler, auch einer von der Metropolis grid.
Tengo un Club in mi region Sirens Grotto; Musica de decadas como de los 80s y 90s pero tambien musica electronica.
Si eres un DJ y estas interesado en tener eventos en uno de mis clubs, en Ingles y Espanol o solo en Espanol, escribeme un mensaje en Digiworldz o por medio de Google Plus. Mi nombre es igual en todos lados.

May 1, 2017 the Sirens Grotto Mall has switched to using Gloebit. If you haven not registered with Gloebit, a pop up will let you go to the page to register and use that account in any and every place selling with Gloebit.
What do you find in the Mall? Men and Women Fashion, shoes, jewelry, art and much more. Please visit there might be something you would like to purchase :)
DJ Toto Live in The Pavilion
Where: Sirens Grotto
When: 9 years ago [18 Feb 2016 11:00 SLT]

modern Country music. Come as you are or wear those cowboy / cowgirl boots and hat and join us for the fun.

Venue The Pavilion in Digiworldz
Host: Isis Ophelia

Live Music Torben Asp
Where: Sirens Grotto
When: 9 years ago [27 Jan 2016 12:00 SLT]

performing at La Ola in Digiworldz. Join us for an hour of awesome compositions with the amazing Torben.

Host: Isis Ophelia

Live Singer Andremus Miklos
Where: Sirens Grotto
When: 9 years ago [23 Dec 2015 14:00 SLT]

2 pm pst - 23:00 CET - 10 pm GMT

Your host: Isis Ophelia

Live Singer Rhiannon Yuhara
Where: Sirens Grotto
When: 9 years ago [23 Dec 2015 13:00 SLT]

On The Pavilion Stage in the Sirens Grotto
1 pm pst - 21:00 CET - 8 pm GMT
This is the first hour of a 2-hours Christmas Event. Followed by
2 pm pst Andremus Miklos - 23:00 CET - 10 pm GMT

Your host: Isis Ophelia

Hispanic Live Music with Merkabah Oh
Where: Sirens Grotto
When: 9 years ago [19 Dec 2015 12:00 SLT]

Latin American and Hispanic Songs Live from Spain, Merkabah Oh, a SL singer who will be performing for the first time in Opensim, in Digiworldz.
December, Saturday 19th at 12 PM PST - 21:00 CET - 8 PM GMT
Please join me to give Merkabah a warm welcome in the Opensim Community.

Isis Ophelia, Venue The Pavilion

DJ Tom Frost, Jazz & Blues
Where: Sirens Grotto
When: 9 years ago [10 Dec 2015 12:00 SLT]

Debut DJ Tom Frost in The Pavilion in Digiworldz
Thrusday 10th
12 pm PST (SLT), 21:00 CET,, 8 pm GMT

Tom's passion is Jazz that he will be sharing with you. Dance, or relax in one of the comfy sofas and listen to the music.

CECI DOVER Live Performer - The Pavilion in Digiworldz
Where: Sirens Grotto
When: 9 years ago [3 Dec 2015 12:00 SLT]

The fabulous Ceci Dover returns to her Opensim audience on
Thrusday, December 3rd
12 - 1 PM PST (noon grid time) - 21 CET - 8 PM GMT
in The Pavilion
Your Host: Isis Ophelia

Avatarfest 2015 - Promotional Event
Where: Sirens Grotto
When: 9 years ago [11 Nov 2015 13:00 SLT]

Music Mix - Request your favorite songs.
DJ Rique Giano and DJ Sofee Supermarine
1 PM - 3 PM Grid Time
La Ola in Digiworldz
Your Host: Isis Ophelia
Promotional Party for the Avatarfest 2015 Festival taking place from
November 13th to November 16th. The festival region will stay open for 2 more weeks afterwards.

Promoting Avatarfest 2015
Where: Sirens Grotto
When: 9 years ago [4 Nov 2015 13:00 SLT]

Announcing the Avatarfest 2015 taking place November 13th - 16th
Mix Music
DJ Rique Giano
DJ Sofee Supermarine
1 PM - 3 PM Grid Time
La Ola in Digiworldz
Your Host: Isis Ophelia

Electronic Dance Music
Where: Sirens Grotto
When: 9 years ago [1 Nov 2015 13:00 SLT]

House + Trance with
DJ Melanie
La Ola
1 PM Grid Time - 21:00 CET - 8 PM UK
Your Host: Isis Ophelia
Be my guest and join the fun!

Isis RL Birthday - Live Ceci Dover
Where: Sirens Grotto
When: 9 years ago [6 Oct 2015 15:00 SLT]

Tuesday 6th, 3 PM Grid Time
Club La Ola
Join me to celebrate with me my real life birthday :)
Live Singer Ceci Dover with her gorgeus voice and charm
Come as you are or wear formal. Everything goes.

Club La Ola - Opening Party
Where: Sirens Grotto
When: 9 years ago [27 Sep 2015 12:00 SLT]

A no-tips Event. Everyone Welcome! Hypergridders the door is open :)

12:00 noon Grid Time - Torben Asp, well known amazing performer
01:00 PM Grid Time - DJ Stassi Susanti will bring your body to shake
90s and Up and some Latin American Tunes

We will be honored to have you as our guest.

Your Host: Isis Ophelia

Opening Party Sirens Grotto
Where: Sirens Grotto
When: 10 years ago [7 Jun 2015 12:00 SLT]

In Club La Ola in the Sirens Grotto region in Digiwiroldz
HG: Grotto
12pm SLT Live Performer David Csizer
13pm SLT Live Performer Rhiannon Yuhara
Come as you are. All welcome to join us for 2 hours of good live music and fun.
Contact: Isis Ophelia

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Region Comments

Nice modern Lag free mall
Thank you for your kind comment Kazuko :)
Thank you Shazza :)
Great region, Isis!:)
Thanks for your kind comment :)