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Jimmy Olsen
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Find here for FREE and FULLPERM all sort of plants/trees and garden stuffs related I`ve been collecting and also stuffs I've played in Blender to get prims reduced. Enjoy :)

Hold onto your virtual hats, folks, because we've got something that will knock your digital socks off! 🧦✨ Our OpenSim store is offering a mind-blowing selection of top-notch products for FREE and FULL PERM! Yes, you heard that right – no strings attached, just pure, unadulterated awesomeness.

Why are we doing this, you ask? Well, our virtual warehouse is bursting at the seams, and we need to make some room. Plus, spreading joy in the virtual world is kind of our thing. 🎉

So, whether you're a virtual hoarder, a savvy bargain hunter, or just someone who enjoys free stuff (and let's be honest, who doesn't?), now's your chance to grab these goodies. This deal is as rare as a unicorn on a hoverboard! 🦄🛹

But wait, there's more! With FULL PERM, you can modify, copy, and transfer to your heart's content. Want to give your best friend a gift? Go for it. Need to make some tweaks? Have at it. The possibilities are endless, and the fun is guaranteed.

So, what are you waiting for? Teleport on over and snag these treasures today! 🎩🐇✨

(Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any addiction to free virtual stuff that may occur. Side effects may include excessive happiness, spontaneous dance parties, and an uncontrollable urge to tell everyone you know about this amazing deal. Use responsibly!)

Bebe: hahahahha you are the best dear Jimmy 8 months ago
*** WILD COSMOS FLOWER PACK NEW RELEASE *** 09 Kind of FLOWERS available to decorate your place! Seasonal textures included and leaves has a smooth animation to make it more realistic! Available for FREE and FULL PERM at GARDEN AREA, BOX 02. Enjoy :)

Jimmy Olsen: ****For your information ***FLORA, GREEDY MUSEUM, LIGHT and SOUND MUSEUM will be remain offline for one day or two: It`s about grid server issues. Will post again as soon they all get online. thx 2 years ago
*** NEW RELEASE JULY 23th 2024*** ANCIENT MOSSY OAK TREE - Seasonal textures with smooth animations on leaves. Available for FREE and FULLPERM at GARDEN AREA, BOX 05.
Textures and scripts available! Models available for each season and added a scripted version! yes, just one click and u change the tree for SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER and WINTER icy..
All models are 1 prim only and the seasonal script works for 1 or more trees (when connected and if within same region).
Enjoy :)

IndigoQueen King: Awesome as usual Jimmy!!! Thank you 8 months ago
*NEW RELEASE* FONY BAOBAB MESH TREE (Adansonia Rubrostripa),coming straight from Madagascar to your SIM, FULL PERM and FREE! Seasonal textures included // leaves with smooth animation - 01 prim only. // Available at DESERT AREA, BOX 02. Enjoy :)

Darci Viper: Thank You Jimmy :) 1 years ago
*** FLORA - AUGUST 14th 2024 NEW RELEASE***
GIANT SEQUOIA TREES PACK (Sequoiadendron giganteum), from Californian forests to your SIM!
01 prim mesh trees - 03 different models - Animated smooth leaves.. and seasonal textures included!
And another heads up. something I`m going to do from now on,I will be offering as well "suggestions" like a big cluster of trees, different sizes and rotations, for both flat area or slopes. I noticed many here rez trees and shift copy others and it doens`t look good (looks like Clones from Starwars lolol).I bet many will enjoy that idea.

Rocket Racoon: Only one word needs to be used about this sim. AMAZING! 8 months ago


Star Ravenhurst: I need that!! Thank you!! 2 years ago

FLAMBOYANT TREE PACK (13 models - 02 to 06 prims- with animated leaves and falling petals. Available for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA, BOX 03. Enjoy :)

AMERICAN ELM TREE (Ulmus americana) NEW RELEASE *** Available for FREE and FULL PERM at FOREST AREA, BOX 06!
- Low prim mesh models! Up to 12 trees into one single prim"
- Seasonal textures included!

Enjoy :)

1- All mesh/sculpted models rezzed now work using a single script! (*). No more tons of scripts used to lag ur place;
(*) If at same sim

2- New rain/snow textures and also better sculpted and mesh models to make ur rain/snow look even more like RL!!!

PS.NOTECARD on how to use it is inside the box. Enjoy :)
AUTUMN IS HERE: Why are you still rezing green trees in your region? Come to FLORA, wide variety of plants with seasonal textures (*). Available for FREE and FULLPERM
(*)Not included at evergreen or tropical ones!

The Etheria Grid: Jimmy Flora is SUCH a treasure, thank you so much!! 2 years ago
*** HEDGE SEASONAL PACK *** AVAILABLE FOR FREE AND FULL PERM AT BOX 07 at GARDEN AREA! Change all hedges rezed over your parcel/SIM by a single click in menu, using 1 script only!!! Leaves have also a very smooth animation!
PS1. Seasonal textures and script included!

Enjoy :)

Thirza Ember: That is so beautiful 2 years ago
ALEPPO PINES PACK ** Available for FREE and FULLPERM at DESERT AREA, BOX 02. Only 2 prims and light leaves animation. Enjoy
"Pinus halepensis, commonly known as the Aleppo pine, is a pine native to the Mediterranean region. Its range extends from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Spain north to southern France, Malta, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, and Albania, and east to Greece. There is an outlying population in Syria, Lebanon, southern Turkey, Palestine, Jordan, and Israel."
MOUNTAINS (and also offsim mountains), ROCKs, CRYSTALs, CAVEs, MINEs and RELATED MEGAPACK ** Available at BOX 01 at MOUNTAIN AREA for FREE and FULL PERM!
Ps. Thx for all who advised the mountain box had a lot of asset issues. All fixed now and added tons of new stuffs. Just be patience when grabbing the box.. it has really a lot of stuffs inside and may take a while. Enjoy :)

*ORANGE TREE NEW RELEASE* MEsh tree, up to 2 trees into a single prim! Leaves with smooth animations and textures included! Available at FARM AREA!Enjoy :)

LeonitasLionheart: Orange you betting people will go bananas over this? 1 years ago
***POPLAR TREE PACK (Populus Nigra Italica): Up to 4 of them using only 1 single prim! Smooth animation on leaves // Seasonal textures included! Available for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA, BOX 08. Enjoy :)

NATURAL PATH MESH - SEASONAL - Change all paths in your SIM with few clicks! Seasonal textures and scripts included. Available for FREE and FULLPERM at MOUNTAIN AREA, BOX 02. Enjoy :)

thedeeferry: I have a love-hate relationship, too. Love Flora. AMV hates me. Oh well. 11 months ago

***JUNIPER COMMON MESH SHRUB PACK NEW RELEASE*** Seasonal textures included // V1 e V2 (2 versions) // Smooth animation on leaves! Available for FREE and FULL PERM at BOX 01, GARDEN AREA. Enjoy :)

** NEW RELEASE ** DWARF DATE PALM TREE PACK ** 01 prim mesh (up til 12 trees) with animated leaves. All FREE and FULL PERM available at BOX 01, TROPICAL AREA. Enjoy :)

VeritasMcMaster: I see, click "Flora" at top and takes you to page with LMs 3 years ago
*** WATER & RAIN & WAVE RELATED (PACK) *** NEW RELEASE *** All of these sorted stuffs available at TROPICAL AREA, BOX 01 for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy :)
PS. For thoses whom are looking for the rain/snow HUD system, it is still at WEATHER AREA. thx

FLORA new welcome area. Don`t mind the pixel dust.. redoing a lot of areas, optmizing SIM, reducing graphic lag,scripts used. etc :)

Xenon Darrow: It's beautiful, Jimmy! 7 months ago

*PINK FIREWEED FLOWERS PACK NEW RELEASE* 01 prim mesh models with animation! Seasonal textures on different pixels available. All for FREE and FULLPERM at GARDEN AREA, BOX 03! Enjoy :)

LaviaLavine: awesome work as always Jimmy!! 9 months ago
*CREPE MYRTLE TREE & SHRUB VERSIONS! 3 DIFFERENT COLORS! Seasonal textures included! Animated leaves! All for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA (ground level), BOX 07.. Enjoy :)
PS. Special thx @ladysonia who gave me the idea.
*** SEASONAL TEXTURES AVAILABLE AT FLORA* on pretty much all trees there (*). Why are u still playing green tree when its damn cold outside O.o ?????
(*) Textures not included on tropical and/or evergreen plants.
** PETUNIAS LOG PLANTER ** New release - Available for FREE and FULL PERM at FLORA, GARDEN SECTOR, BOX 01.
- 5 different flowers and seasons included.
- Scripted version also available - use a single script to change colors/seasons using one single script! Even if rezing a hundred of these log planters!
Enjoy :)
*** NEW RELEASE ** A good collection of snow, cloud, mist ,fog in mesh or sculpted for covering houses or streets to the close winter. Available at WEATHER AREA for FREE and FULL PERM.
PS. I updated also the FALLEN LEAVES and PETALs box at BOX 08 , GARDEN AREA.
Enjoy :)
*** GREEK OLIVE ANIMATED TREES PACK *** FREE and FULL PERM different models. Seasonal textures (spring with flowers, summer with green and black olives and winter) included. Animated leaves (script included when needed). Available at FOREST AREA (ground) at BOX 05. Enjoy :)
I was told SUNFLOWERS are the national flowers of Ukraine hence FLORA offfers u a mesh pack (up til 90 of them for 1 single prim) for FREE and FULL PERM! Available at GARDEN AREA at BOX 02. Enjoy :)

Ps. And before someone starts complaining about pic sent, I`m not against Russian people but against this sh*t war....

River: lol, I love your picture 3 years ago
*** LARCH TREE V- Larix sibirica V3 (version 3). Thx my friend Alfred (from sim WELCOME (https://opensimworld.com/hop/85057/) she gave a better model for these trees as seen at RL, so I could work on blender - once more released at FLORA, BOX 04, FOREST AREA (ground area). All FREE and FULL PERM. Seasonal textures included and leaves has a soft animation. Enjoy :)
CHERRY TREES PACK * FREE and FULL PERM available at FOREST AREA (ground) at BOX02. Animated particles are in mesh and separated prim so u can remove it when playing seasonal (textures inside). Enjoy :)
With seasonal textures included and smooth animation on leaves! All available for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA (ground area), BOX 02. Enjoy :)

(*) Old versions still inside the box.

Xenon Darrow: There he goes...making more beauty for OpenSim. 10 months ago
Are you tired and/or frustrated of terraforming? Does it take so long and it doesn`t look good? Fear not, you are not alone. Still you can decorate your region with nice mesh mountains, 01 prim only!!! - Seasonal textures included too! Available for FREE and FULL PERM at MOUNTAIN AREA, BOX 01 (its on the last box ,bottom right). Enjoy :)

Jimmy Olsen: If you want to see them rezed as models, come to my SIM ALFHEIM and see them :) 2 years ago
JAPANESE MAPLE TREES PACK with animated leaves ** FREE and FULL PERM ** Available at BOX 02 at FOREST AREA (ground). Many options of trees sizes and seasonal textures (spring, summer, 8 kinds of autumn and 2 for winter). Also included leaf particles rezer for this time of year. Enjoy :)
SIX KINDS of sculpted wild grasses and weeds for ur place! ALL FREE and FULLPERM at GARDEN AREA BOX 01 with seasonal textures (and this time I put the standart size and also the reduced 128x128 pixels one that helps reduce graphic lag when many are rezed).
That what happens when you do stuffs late in the evening and tired. Forgive me, dear FLORA customers. I had recently announced the ORANGE TREE on mesh but vendor had instead watermelons lol ). No.. its not genetic manipulation or any conspiracy.. was just.. tired lolol.. (thx
Fearghus McMahon @Fearghus for the feedback).. Vendor now is correctly set at FARM AREA.. Enjoy :)

FLORA new EEP sky at ground area (welcome area)

FLORA new welcome area. Don`t mind the pixel dust.. redoing a lot of areas, optimizing SIM, reducing graphic lag,scripts used. etc :)

LIGHTNING ADDON PACK added to the boxed version of the SCANDINAVIAN RAIN/SNOW SYSTEM V6 HUD . Better effect to your SIM when playing thunderstorms! Lightnings with nice effects (light, glow and bright) and thunder sound!! // 05 different models! //Available for FREE and FULLPERM at WEATHER AREA. Enjoy :)

Luna Lunaria: Thanks Jimmy, will definitely check this out. I've used a great weather engine in SL for years but could never find a good, legal one in Opensim. 1 years ago
*** WEEPING WILLOW TREES V2** Not a new release but found a better decent model, now looking more like RL - Available for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA (ground) at BOX 05.
Ps. Seasonal textures included!

Ludo Davis: Hello, I tried the V2 but in my opinion the other version look better. I'll keep the first one safe in my backup. 3 years ago
P.s Being perfectionist suck lolol Thx some friends alerted me about how trees look like RL so once more made modifications. Hope u all like it.
Ps.1 Modified as well the Norway Spruces conifers! (same box number!)
01 prim only - leaves with animation! (seasonal tree, textures inside!)
"Prunus padus, known as bird cherry, hackberry, hagberry, or Mayday tree, is a flowering plant in the rose family. It is a species of cherry, a deciduous small tree or large shrub up to 16 meters (52 ft) tall. It is the type species of the subgenus Padus, which have flowers in racemes. It is native to northern Europe and northern and northeast Asia, and is grown as an ornamental in North America. "

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Reviews (25)
Overall Rating:
Frank Hurt If it's landscaping you need, FLORA has to be your first stop. Organized by biome and genus, everything from tropical to desert to alpine, and even some non-flora items like rocks and mountains as well. Jimmy's constantly researching and adding obscure species, so be sure to bookmark this store and ...
Aurora Starchild This is THE place to go if you have to landscape. As Frank says in another review it's extremely well organised, easy to find massive packs of stuff. And the sim looks amazing as well.
Tigerkitti Eberdene THE best place to get your landscaping items. The best part is being able to rez out the trees etc but not have to remove them for seasons, but just change the textures. I am using Flora items for pretty much everything on my Georgetown sim on AMV. Makes work so much easier!

Region Comments

Oh my gosh thank you thank you thank you! This was all much needed!
I take having Flora handy for granted far too much! Currently helping a friend with his team's project for a contest entry for their school of landscape architecture. Everything I am using for this real life project is from Flora. I don't think the HG is aware of the amazing projects and gifts that Jimmy generously provides. Well done, Jimmalishus! Well done!
Just the best place to go for all your landscaping and gardening needs - and wants! Can't say enough good, just go check em out!
unbelievably wonderful place
LOVE all the beautiful plants and items .. thank you
Hey, glad u liked it Elie :)
A must go for all plant- and outdoor needs. Awesome expositions, and all well packet. Lot of beauty, many thanks !
glad u liked it all, minke :)