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Anti-Fascist Solidarity

Since 9:15 PM, we've been returning fire.

Hello everyone !
Hope to see you all at Dorena's event !

OK. my first post in a while. I would say 'Happy 2025' but for out American comrades 2025 represents a strep into the unknown. It's not just the USA, or course as many European countries are facing an onslaught from a reinvigourated far-right, or have already succumbed. We in the UK face an uncertain political future too, with the performance of the new government elected in July thus far made things worse for people struggling with the cost of living, worries over healthcare and finding a decent, affordable home. The UKs Labour Party under leader Starmer is now acting as Reform UK the political company owned by Nigel Farage (Trump's butt-plug) who are gaining round and are now second in many places according to opinion polls.

For us in Opensim, and more partucularly the pages of OSW w have at least a small victory in that the person who inspired the creation of this group has been silenced.

But we shouldn't just focus on the negatives, but also reinvigourate ourselves and act in solidarity with each other.Thank you Xenon for your words, writing that post here has helped you with how you feel, or to come up with a new perspective, then this group is doing its job. But we should have fun and celebrate who we are and what we stand for. To this effect I am planning a social event later on this year so we can come together and have fun and enjoy each other's company. Watch this space for an announcement of time and place.
I want this group to know....I am so sorry for the horror and uncertainty our latest election has thrust upon the world. I feel hopeless and terrified. I mourn the reproductive women in my country; the immigrants who will be forcibly and horrifically removed; the POC who will be hunted and terrorized; for our LGBTQIA community. And I apologize that, one again, we are encouraging fascism across the globe. :(

Courreges Malatesta: Don't blame yourself ... Be brave, keep hope alive and help your people however you can. 4 months ago

YAY !!!
France voted well :)))

On Sunday, France will vote in the first round of elections for members of the National Assembly. The latest polls indicate that the far right (the RN and right-wing traitors) will have over 30% of the vote, far ahead of the left-wing coalition. We risk ending up with a far-right prime minister.
Macron's 7 years of hard-line liberalism have destroyed social services: hospitals, transport, schools and fractured society. People are disgusted and ready to do anything to get by, even to believe the words of a racist bourgeois party that lies to them while pretending to help them.
I'm very worried.

Xenon Darrow: Hugs. Being from Texas and America, I feel you 100%. 9 months ago

Would be happy to stand with this group.

Thank you all for your support. There are now six of us and hopefully more will join us over time. I think many are, very understandably wary and don't want to get dragged in to something they don't want to. But as I explained in introductory post on the front page, this group is simply about solidarity; standing together and supporting one another. Some of us will take on the fight, in the happy knowledge that there are others who think similarly.

I've just read the notorious Box on the front page. Apart from Pagane having another melt down, there are comments questioning the need for such a group. I can't be too hard on those people, but really they need to pull their head out of the sand. I don't wish to overstate things, but we are living in very dangerous times, the far-right mainstream political parties who are now gaining ground have been preparing for years, changing their image, softening their message and all the while attempting to persuade people to their cause, always ready to blame the 'illegal immigrant' the single-parent (usually a woman) poor people in general. That's just the start.

At the moment most of the comments in the box are dismissive and a little insulting to me, (I will not engage there) and at least one of them is revealing how well they did at Airhead Academy. That might sound cruel, but that person isn't really stupid (I hope) but they do rather overplay false equivalences and seem utterly incapable of seeing what is happening right in front of their eyes.

Well, look at that; I learned something new. Ty @Suzi_Avonside! Never would have found the group. I am still such a noob about some things!

This Porco Rosso's quote becomes trendy in France !

Suzi_Avonside: That's a great image! 9 months ago

Nice idea .-)

I've created a new group to show solidarity with anti-fascism and opposition to other hate groups and individuals. No heavy deal, you don't have to do anything to show your solidarity other than joining the group, and maybe, if you feel you can, displaying the logo on your region or in your club to show that hate groups and anyone associated with them are not welcome.

Obviously those who want to get a little more involved are more than welcome to do so, such as arranging events with a prominent anti-fascist message, even if it's only displaying the logo on promotional materials, to much more ambitious things such as art displays that highlight the dangers of the extreme-right.

This isn't a political group, so you won't be bombarded with ideology, it's simply a group for those of us who share a similar belief, that all humans are worthy. I'll even go so far as to say that members should leave both their politics and their religion at the door, whilst anti-fascism is a political stance, it is one that crosses political boundaries. We don't even have to like each other to show solidarity, a point worth remembering.

To avoid all doubt, fascists and their fellow-travellers, (Trumpists, Faragists, Lepenists etc are not welcome! Prospective members are vetted and are subject to approval, which means it's a safe space for the wary.
Anti-Fascist Solidarity
A group for dedicated anti-fascists and anyone who wants to show solidarity with those who are targeted by the far-right, fascist or neo-nazis. We exist to counter the ill effects of those groups and individuals and will come to the aid of those who become a target, and will in turn, target the perpetrators of hate speech or hate crime, quite often one and the same.

We will also strive to challenge those who minimise or maginalise the influence of the burgeoning far-right, from the MAGAism of Trump in the USA, the Rassemblement National in France, Alternative für Deutschland in Germany and Reform UK in the UK, and those are just the 'respectable' faces of fascism we are up against.

Despite the seriousness of the cause, we should aim to have fun while we fight the fascists, by organising social events where we make it clear that hate groups or anyone supportive of hate groups are welcome. Humour is always important, and ridicule is something most of those we are up against absolutely hate.

About the logo.
Just to be clear, the use of a rainbow is more to reflect solidarity with the whole human race more than just LGBTQ+ people, which is the ultimate aim of the LGBTQ+ community in any case. I fully expect that one day, when the time is right, an H for Heterosexuality will be added, just to seal the idea that all are valid, no matter their orientations as human beings in whatever they do. However, it is still too early for that to happen as still far too many in the H group who suppress the minorities who are currently represented by the LGBTQ+ movement.
12 members
Created 9 months ago by Suzi_Avonside

New Comments

Xenon Darrow 1 month ago
Courreges Malatesta 4 months ago
Don't blame yourself ... Be brave, keep hope alive and help your people however you can.
Xenon Darrow 9 months ago
The tiny margins these groups win by in these antifa elections terrifies me. It's needs to be landslides. The right just spends the next term ramping up again.
Xenon Darrow 9 months ago
Whenever people question the need for a human rights group/movement or support of marginalized groups, that is the red flag in and of itself.
Xenon Darrow 9 months ago
Hugs. Being from Texas and America, I feel you 100%.
Suzi_Avonside 9 months ago
That's a great image!