OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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JaniceHubbenfluff 23 hours ago
I set one up using my Digital Ocean droplet, basically with an IP address on the internet, opened up all necessary ports using ufw, and I still get the issue. TPing to a wide range of other grids work...
Pagane 5 days ago
This is because of bad router settings. Look here:
Buzzy Cnayl 22 days ago
There is information on how to configure to use Hypergrid mode rather than standalone on the OpenSim wiki at Also some information relavent to OSGrid (al...
Copper 23 days ago
If you would translate also to english, I bet you would get more help
Silver Von 27 days ago
Had the same experience.
MrSnoodle 2 months ago
Not sure I can help much, but what type of setup have you got? Dream Grid? Diva Distro? Osgrid? Other? Its pretty easy to get the Warp3DImageModule working on Osgrid, but when I tried to get it workin...