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Our traditional Christmas with DJ Kith at Rockin' the Blues tonight at 6:00! (See you at Hot Daddy's next week!)
Region: Rockin' the Blues
Event begins tonight at 6:00 but come early!!
Added by Harmony
Every year, DJ Kith gives our staff Christmas night off to be with family. To some of us, and to some of you, there's no place we'd rather be than with our virtual family at Wyldwood Bayou Grid! Some of us can't be with real life loved ones due to distance and other factors. For all of you, we invite you to spend a warm and inviting evening with DJ Kith and our Blues Tribe to listen to wonderful blues, sip hot chocolate and relax after the hustle and bustle the holidays bring! Join us at Rockin' the Blues!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues