take the notecards & Scripts from another storage Unit put them in a folder in your inventory then take any item you wish to make the storage even one of the unicorn horns make sure you delete any content within the item you use for your new storage. Then drop storage notecard and scripts you saved to your folder in your inventory into the item you want to use as storage, then take a copy of the unicorn horn into you inventory and drop that item into the new storage with the notecard and scripts, In the config notecard delete any other name of the farm items and add the name of the unicorn horn EG SF unicorn horn (case Sensitive) must be the same name as the unicorn horn then edit the new storage go to the top of your Firstorm Client to Build then to Scripts and hit reset scripts.... now your storage should be ready for use so make sure you have all scripts and notecards and one copied item of the (unicorn horn) with in the contents of that item you want to make your storage..... and make sure you take out any other farm names in config notecard within your new storage and replace with the SF name of the unicorn horn... if you have trouble doing this i can make you one just let me know