Hypergrid Safari is a tour group/social club that visits two different grids each week. (The next tour season opens in April). After the visit there is usually a write-up on the blog
To quote Cherry Manga "HG Safari is the best place to learn about hypergrid, and to discover fabulous places to visit."
The most recent entry on the blog is about the visit to Loru Destiny's fabulous Opensim Film festival, featuring Opensim's filmmakers. It's a post on a OS media site about OS media creators! Unfortunately, the "Why Yes! I Do Have a Media Site About OS" group opened after the event, as this would have been great to promote in advance. Plan to visit next year! From the HG Safari blog, here is a picture of The Drive In at the Opensim Film festival, where you click on the posters in front of the giant screen to access the many choices of featured short films.