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Got DISCO?? Got FUNK??? Mix it up for DJ Rosa's Disco-Funk party tonight at Hot Daddy's on Wyldwood Bayou Grid at 6:00!! If you have been to Hot Daddy's, you know that we don't wait for Halloween to dress up! Every Monday night is an opportunity to break out the costumes if you like (You can always come as you are!!) because every Monday night is DJ's choice and a different theme! We go all out for all of our parties at Hot Daddy's and if you've never been to one, we hope you will share a Monday with us and see what you think!! We serve up a heaping helping of hospitality at all of your venues!! Come in themed costume or come as you are! Hope to see you soon!!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou Hot Daddys