OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Enter the gates of this Enchanting world where YOU write your own life. Your brain doesn't know the difference between reality and imagination as both are equated with an "Experience" because it involves all of our senses. When you use your imagination and all of your senses. Sight (through your own eyes in imagination, not 3rd person), Feel, hear, touch, smell and taste. Believe it's already happened. I know i seems hard or crazy but if you can believe for 30 seconds that it has already been done. Your brain sees it as an experience and God/The Universe will change everything around you in this life to make it line up to that experience. I know... it sounds too good to be true but it is. But Start small and work your way up to the bigger things. It's like a muscle that you have to exercise every day to develop our strength, the more you use it, the easier and faster it happens. Your imagination is the God/Christ within you. It is a known fact that you cannot create something out of nothing, but If you see it in your imagination, it already exists in another timeline, realm, world or dimension and you're pulling it into this life. We have been taught the opposite our entire lives so we cannot see our true power that we have within ourselves. You have to look within. Look up Neville Goddard "How to use your imagination" or his Grandson Elmer O. Locker jr. Tesla used his imagination before he did anything. Believe it's done, then..... carry the attitude... "Whatever..... it was already done so I don't care." during the day and visualize at night until you go to sleep, as if it is already done and fall asleep. This is the Law of attraction and the law of resistance working together to bring it in. You know how when there is something you don't want to happen and it always does? That is the law of resistance. You want something undone, use the law of revision. If you received an disappointing message, go back in your imagination and re-write receiving that letter but this time it is in the way you want to see it. Believe it happened that way and you will see the change. Use the law of resistance and watch what happens. It will shift in your favor. I really hope you enjoy this world along with the others I've created. Remember you can create worlds here for the otherside for when we cross over to experience. There is no limit to what you can do. All my worlds are made with love and intention.