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DJ Country Bob Comedy Hour

Where: Damour Enterprise Four
When: 5 years ago [31 Aug 2020 18:00 SLT]

DJ Country Bob will be bringing us comedy from some of the top comedians in the United States. This Show is a must see for all those that love a good laugh. May be a bit Raunchy! He will be performing for the first time at The Wine Cellar. This is an underground club.
In Viewer Link secondlife:///app/teleport/Damour%20Enterprise%20Four/196/49/30
Singularity Paste To Local Chat http://digiworldz/region/Damour%20Enterprise%20Four/196/49...
HyperGrid HOP address hop://login.digiworldz.com:8002/Damour%20Enterprise%20Four...
HyperGrid Map Search Address login.digiworldz.com:8002:Damour Enterprise Four:196:49:30