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Raven Live @ The Wine Cellar

Where: Damour Enterprise Four
When: 4 years ago [23 Sep 2020 15:00 SLT]

Raven brings her beautiful Voice to The Wine Cellar every other week! You will want to hear the old and new music she sings.
She will have you dancing and listening and uplift your soul into a beautiful place.
She brings Humor to her music and makes us all smile. Free wine and steak dinners.

In Viewer Link secondlife:///app/teleport/Damour%20Enterprise%20Four/196/49/30
Singularity Paste To Local Chat http://digiworldz/region/Damour%20Enterprise%20Four/196/49...
HyperGrid HOP address hop://login.digiworldz.com:8002/Damour%20Enterprise%20Four...
HyperGrid Map Search Address login.digiworldz.com:8002:Damour Enterprise Four:196:49:30