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DJ Jack Brings His Music to The Wine Cellar

Where: Damour Enterprise Four
When: 4 years ago [30 Sep 2020 13:00 SLT]

Dj Jack comes to The Wine Cellar to bring us 2 hours of great music to make us look inside ourselves and reflect. This is a venue located
in the basement of a mall! So come on over and bring your friends to hear him. Do some dancing or just sit and have a glass of wine
or a steak dinner! He may also play some rock.

Singularity Paste To Local Chat http://digiworldz/region/Damour%20Enterprise%20Four/196/49...
HyperGrid HOP address hop://login.digiworldz.com:8002/Damour%20Enterprise%20Four...
HyperGrid Map Search Address login.digiworldz.com:8002:Damour Enterprise Four:196:49:30