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DJ Maia's Fabulous 1950's Sock Hop tonite at Hot Daddy's at 6::00!
Where: Hot Daddys, Wyldwood Bayou Grid
When: 6:00 Tonight [18 Jan 2021 18:00 SLT]
Tonite DJ Maia takes us back to the days of Bobby Darin, Elvis, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, The Shirelles, Patsy Cline, Debbie Reynolds and More! These singers and bands and others took us through times of troubles and times of celebration! We had our first real glimpse of space exploration, the beginning of the Korean War, the crowning of Queen Elizabeth , color televisions, tv dinners, Barbie, McDonald's and the first credit card (Diner's club, since you asked!) among other things! But maybe in the 50's, as no other time in history, more music styles were created with the beginnings of Rock and Roll, Doo-Wop, Rythmn and Blues, and traditional Pop! DJ Maia has gathered a set of phenomenal tunes from the 50's that will have you reminiscing about your childhood...or your mom's! Come on down to Hot Daddy's and join us with an amazing evening of music, friendships and just plain old fashioned Fun! Wear your poodle skirts, lettermen's jackets, bouffants or ducktails...whatever shouts 1950 to you, or come as you are! See you there!!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Hot Daddys