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DJ Moonie's Southern Charm Blues at Rockin' the Blues!! Tonite at 6:00!
Where: Rockin' the Blues! Wyldwood Bayou
When: 6:00 tonight!! [20 Jun 2021 18:00 SLT]
It's the 3rd Sunday of the month that is reserved for our favorite Southern Blues Belle, DJ Moonie! Moonie has an extensive collection of blues tunes that includes songs from established blues artists and up and coming ones, all who perform incredible blues in many blues styles! Moonie spins the best of the best, and that, combined with the history and facts about some of them and her contagious laughter, make for a fabulously fun evening! Come on down to the Bayou
and kick back and enjoy the party with the Blues Tribe! You'll be happy you did!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou