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Woodstock relived and other 60's tunes with DJ Kith tonite at 6:00!

Where: Wyldwood Bayou Hot Daddys
When: 4 years ago [30 Aug 2021 18:00 SLT]

It was 52 years ago that the world experienced it's first super music festival, Woodstock in upstate New York! As we do with most things at Hot Daddy's...we celebrate!! Tonite DJ Kith brings you the very best of the 1960's with all your very favorite tunes from the era!! It's a night for sandals and bell bottoms, long hair and mini skirts, tie dye and go-go boots or...heck! Just come as you are! Whatever you wear, come on out to Hot Daddy's to relive and reminisce dance and sing and celebrate one of the craziest and most colorful times in history, with the Blues Tribe and DJ Kith and fabulous 1960's music! See you there!! Daddys