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Clan LIVE at the Maiden Voyage of the Luxury Cruise Ship AURORA II

Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [5 Dec 2021 10:00 SLT]

It's the much anticipated ALL DAY EVENT we've been waiting for! See complete agenda below... A fabulous cruiser liner built by the shipbuilders of Alternate Metaverse Grid! Clan and Clan's Band take the stage in the PARTY ROOM at 1pm, but come WAY early for the tour and a full lineup of AMV's finest:

10am - Greetings & Awards - Cataplexia & Clifford
11am - Tour of Aurora II by your Captain, Gray Delwood
12noon - Alex Zatsepin
1pm - Clan Escotia & The Clan - His traveling band
2pm - Khiron Ametza
3pm - Ian Kitsilano
4pm - Zoree Jupiter
5pm - Paul Nowles

Here's your BOARDING PASS: alternatemetaverse.com:8002:SevenSeas
"Sea you there!"