Monentes Jewelry


Monentes Jewelry
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~Home to Monentes Jewelry~

"Exclusively designed jewelry by a copyrighted jewelry designer."

Please never sell in SL

I had a few requests for the Peace for Ukraine pendant - they wanted to 3d print it and wear it in the real world. This is a good idea because I was manufacturing these to sell but 3d printing is much more reasonably priced. What cost me 800 USD to manufacture you can get similar quality at Shapeways or Sculpteo for 50 USD or less depending on the materials you use. So I decided to make the .dae file reasonably priced so that you can have it 3d printed as you wish and wear it in the real world. You can also upload it inworld and wear it too. I had one printed at Sculpteo and they did a fantastic job.

Advent Calendar comes to Jewelry

Jamie Wright: That is AMAZING detail on earrings with backings. Nice work! 2 years ago

Monentes Jewelry Advent Calendar-Each day reveals a gift-In the foyer of Monentes Jewelry Jewelry

SheaButter: Thank you so much for the Advent gift. 2 years ago
I have Good News and Bad News first the Bad News which really isn't so bad. You see, after remodeling and rezzing the new store which just had holiday jewelry, I had several contact me asking me to please bring back the original Monentes Store with all the jewelry regardless of the store being completely full and disorganized. They wanted more choices the mess did not matter. Alrighty then!! Let's go with stocked full and messy !! The original store has been restored! I will get the holiday jewelry placed today! Thank you for reaching out I liked the original store too~

Jamie Wright: I'm glad all the choices are back. You make the best jewelry ever! 2 years ago
Monentes Jewelry is open again with Holiday Jewelry in a cozier building. I will be adding new seasonal pieces through the Holiday. We are open Jewelry
Monentes Jewelry will be closed for reconsideration of a remodel. We will see what the future brings. To all those who appreciated my jewelry thank you! Remember too you can pick up the Monentes Jewelry store OAR at Outworldz- time to rest,

a la prochaine

SheaButter: Thank you, for your awesome designs. 2 years ago
I love Catwalks, especially the industrial ones with cool metal beams so I built one that I am giving for free to anyone who has a fashion show in mind. This is full perms so you can modify it to suit your taste. There is also model poses in the box-Enjoy!

Autumn Citrine Solitaire~Free/Full Perms~In the foyer of Monentes Jewelry Jewelry

Marianna : If you edit the Citrine, make sure you set the new texture to Planar for the best results. 2 years ago
Another great find from Sketchfab a beautiful diadem, uploaded and in the Monentes Jewelry store foyer. Jewelry

RobinRidley: Magical! 2 years ago

Filigree Crescent Moon, bewitching Free/Full Perm Monentes store foyer. Jewelry

Marianna : I added another pair of these earrings to the store, the new pair has a Witches Knot with the stars. 2 years ago

Since I am creating moons this morning, how about Man in the Moon earrings-Free/Full perms-In the foyer at Monentes Jewelry Jewelry

These were fun to create - Cat Moon earrings-Free/Full Perms-In the foyer at Monentes Jewelry Jewelry

Bat Queen earrings can be found in the Monentes store foyer. Free/Full Perms Jewelry

Marianna : Thank you very much for the tip! It is much appreciated and never expected - such a nice gift thank you :) 2 years ago
Found another great necklace at Sketchfab! You will find it in the foyer of Monentes Jewelry Jewelry Please never sell and always give credit to the creator.

rayne: very cool !! 2 years ago

Created a Floral Hair Comb for your hair! Can be found free at the Monentes Jewelry Store, in the foyer. Jewelry

River: Ohhh! I love this! 2 years ago
Pretty Butterfly hair comb in the foyer at Monentes Jewelry Jewelry
another cool find from Sketchfab! Please always credit and never sell. Notecard inside crediting the work.
Working on my hypergates today I looked at Sketchfab to see if there were any cool gates created. I found a VERY cool gate that would be perfect as a hypergate, Skull Gate by I have it sitting at Monentes Jewelry at the front of the building outside. Please feel free to grab a copy and please never sell! Jewelry

Kylie Brimmer: i couldn't find that Gate?? 2 years ago
Just visited SL and looking through the very first jewelry I created. This set is in gold but I brought in the ring, made it silver. It is in the foyer at the store This set had a pendant and earrings, I will work on bringing those in too soon. This was a blast from the past to see this!! Jewelry

Turquoise jewelry at Jewelry
Free/Full Perms-Created exclusively for you, by me!

SheaButter: You do amazing work. :)) 2 years ago

In celebration of Summer, this is the Summer Solstice ring-lapis lazuli
in the foyer of Monentes Jewelry. Jewelry


Amethyst Glow Earrings, Free-Full Perms Jewelry

Chérir Wedding Set, a beautiful three stone engagement ring with a rippled wedding band. Free/Full Perms, in the wedding section of Monentes Jewelry Jewelry

Sunflower Solitaire with a pretty Citrine gemstone. Free/Full Perms Jewelry

River: Mari, its beautiful! Thank you! 3 years ago
I have been finding beautiful necklaces at Sketchfab! Whenever I find one that I think you will enjoy I will add to my collection! I will add the note indicating such so that you can determine which is Sketchfab! Jewelry
It has been a while since I created a wedding set. Since it is May it has me thinking of weddings and flowers and thought it would be nice to create a pretty wedding set for this summer. Feuille Wedding Set has a wedding ring, engagement ring, and the pair linked. This has a resize script so you can get the correct size. You will find it in the Wedding section of the Monentes Jewelry Store. Jewelry
I was just asked how did I create glasses, this is a video I did while back basically I use silhouettes then extract the curves, then extrude. This is using Rhino Software but it is the same in Blender, you would extract curves from an image then extrude them. Thank you for your interest!
Claddagh rings consist of a heart with a crown held by two hands symbolizing love, loyalty and friendship. Please find yours in the Monentes Jewelry store foyer~ Jewelry

Puka Shells Bracelet and Choker in the foyer at Monentes Jewelry Jewelry

Created a Bee Band today, in honor of springtime and my love for bumblebees.
It has a resize script and it is not bento rigged, it would be too high LOD. In the foyer at Monentes Jewelry Jewelry
I was asked how did I create the Sunflower. I use Photoshop 3d. I wrote this article as to how it is accomplished The shells are fun to create too!

Dabici132: thanks Marianna. Photoshop 3d was a great tool for builders. Unfortunatly, Adobe does not support it anymore. I use the cloud service of adobe and recent version are not even able to open old files.... 3 years ago
I added new necklaces to the store this morning. Will be adding more new jewelry this week as time allows. I noticed on my sunflower necklace the back of the flower looks invisible, I apologize for that I tried several methods to get it to appear solid and none worked. Like, Solidify Modifier and also I flipped normals. This is a new technique I tried using an image, I will keep working at it to make it solid and release an updated version! Please find new necklaces in the foyer. Jewelry

Found this great character at Sketchfab. I rigged it and added it to the Rigged avatar store. Please meet "Archer"

oni kiri: 3 years ago
Those of you with Blender should add the Sketchfab addon. It saves steps from hopping from one website to Blender. With the addon is adding a sketchfab library to your Blender desktop. I have been using it to import high heels for my mesh avatars. It has been fun!

Jimmy Olsen: From now on I will call u "Mariblender" :) 3 years ago
I just updated the Rigged Mesh Avatars, Camille, ROXanne, and Jasmine. Included now are high feet with classic pumps. Free and Full perms The feet and pumps are rigged to work with Rigged Mesh Avatars.
I just placed a new Mesh Avatar in the Rigged Avatar Store-Free-Full perms. Please meet Lil Col Sanders, Sanders in his youth lol, I created this avatar one year as my Halloween costume to trick or treat at @Jamie Anna Wright region. It was such the fun night that I thought I would offer him. He comes with a crispy attitude! You can find the Rigged avatar store here

Jamie Wright: Loved it then and still love it now Mari:) Great work! 3 years ago
How many of you have wanted to install Marvelous Designer only to find how expensive it is? Me too, I had it at one time and loved it. I made a skirt that I still have and wanted to try creating clothing again so researched and found a great "Garment Tool" addon for blender it is only 40 USD and works just like Marvelous Designer! I am learning it now so wish me luck lol this is where to purchase it!

Han_Held: I'm not sure I'd buy it -but I'm intrigued and passed the link along to a friend who's into blender. Thank you! 3 years ago
Monentes Jewelry has lots of turquoise jewelry Free/Full Perms! We also have bloodstone, onyx, emeralds, rubies, diamonds etc If you would like a piece created exclusively for you please IM anytime. Jewelry

rayne: these are gorgeous !!! thank you so much for sharing the things you take so much time to create... it is very much appreciated ! 3 years ago
Remember the Unknown Comic? He had it right all along! Rigged, free/full perm bag mask for the days you simply want to be incognito. Can be found at the Rigged avatar store,

Hugabug: Marianna this made me smile & laugh this morning great way to start my day :) 3 years ago
I just created a new outfit for ROXanne mesh avatar. White Lace beach ensemble. With sarong. I updated the avatar so please pick up the ROXanne mesh avatar v4 at the Rigged avatar store The sarong is also included in the box. When you wear the avatar she will be wearing the outfit, just add the sarong. If you want to wear later you simply type /99900 whitelace and the textures apply to the avatar BOM like :)

Jerralyn Franzic: Just picked up a few of your avatars. Thanks :) 3 years ago

Monentes Jewelry has beautiful jewelry perfect for Valentine's day~ Free/Full perms Jewelry

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Reviews (12)
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Tigerkitti Eberdene I found some of Marianne's jewelry in my inventory on a different grid avi. It seems I have had most since GCG days. In particular, my favourite is a beautiful diadem that I wear often. I came and visited the store and found a few more awesome pieces. Wow, such lovely items. And I found bubblegum! T...
Lillysparks love love love my new assortment of sparkling accessories! Thank you! Genius! xoxo
Melanie Sawyer Nice shop, with some beautiful jewellery designs. Thank you
