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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Hello all
Perhaps it is not known for most people here. I would like to introduce something new that is more known or even common for player in new games.
We all know the problem with mesh hair and that flexi hair is not perfect too. If we would have flexi mesh hair then complexity would increase to mio. Much too much. The hair problem is not solved in many games. Even in VRchat the hair problem is not perfectly solved but right now the best solution. For clothes especially coats etc it is the same problem.
But we can also have other solution for clothes. It is not flexi but we could have animesh clothes. It looks almost realistic. Roland Francis created some animesh clothes and here you can see it in video. You get it on his Neiferleaf sim in shop at landing point. Here in this video you can see. It was not meant for showing of animesh clothes, but doesn't matter. Good job Roland!