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Teleport was refused because Unable to verify identity
After the OSGrid shenanigans, I decided that since I'd lost the majority of my stuff, I'd try and setup my own (very small) grid.
Mostly it's working except from the Unable to verify identity on several grids. (Not all, just some)
I've seen several interweb posts about it, but so far nothing that hints at a fix.
It seems to be the [REMOTE SIMULATION CONNECTOR] timing out after 10 seconds on my port 8002, other than that, there's no other log information I can see.

I've got this running on a home network on a linux VM on a proxmox box, all necessary ports are open and accessible from outside. I've tried to TP into my grid, from another avatar on another grid and it all looks OK, so I'm kind of stuck.
The only thing I can think of is the rather crappy SKY MAX router that only allows you to open ports etc via a crappy app rather than from the command line like normal people want to do it.

Oh, I did run it via a 'free Dyn DNS service, but shelled out for a 'real' domain in the hope that was the issue (But it doesn't seem to be...)
I *could* try it from the Digital Ocean droplet I was using on OSGrid, but I'd have to beef it up a bit and I don't really want to 'cos I'm tight :)

Any ideas welcome - TIA