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DJ Rachel presents "The Blues Brothers" tonite at 6:00!

Where: Wyldwood Bayou N'Awlins
When: 4 years ago [14 Mar 2021 18:00 SLT]

Hold on! She's comin'!! DJ Rachel that is and she has a whole evening of Blues Brothers' tunes and fun for you! You remember them, Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi as 'Joliet' Jake Blues and Elwood Blues, the Blues Brothers who first appeared on Saturday Night Live! Tonite DJ Rachel takes us back in time to 1978 when these two funny men created these characters, and when we SNL fans were reintroduced to Blues Music! The music of the Blues Brothers is based on R&B, blues, and soul, and also draws heavily on rock and jazz elements! Search those closets for your black suits and white shirts, we'll supply the Fedoras and Raybans, or come as you are to party to Blues Brothers music style of Soulful Rythmn and Blues! Bayou