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Bienvenue à Mardi Gras (Welcome to Mardi Gras 2022!!) de DJ Macy and DJ Kith, tonite starting at 6:00!
Where: Wyldwood Events 3 French Quarter Bourbon Street N'Awlins District
When: Opening Party tonite at 6:00 to 9:00! [25 Feb 2022 18:00 SLT]
It's the party we have been waiting a whole year for!! MARDI GRAS!! Wooohooo! Wyldwood Bayou is based on New Orleans, and what's the biggest event there every year? Mardi Gras! And NO ONE celebrates Mardi Gras the way Rockin' the Blues does!! Tonite, DJ Macy and DJ Kith open Mardi Gras with their most fun and festive tunes of the year! Cajun and Zydeco with some seriously awesome blues...just the way they do it in New Orleans! The way to have the most fun at Mardi Gras is to dress up but you can come as you are! Mardi Gras costumes are flamboyant and colorful....as flamboyant and as colorful as the Blues Tribe themselves! Eat King Cake, sip absinthe! Dance in the street the New Orleans way! We love Mardi Gras and we love you! Come and be prepared to experience Mardi Gras as if you were really there! Guaranteed...this is as close as you can get to the real thing! See you there! "Laissez les bons temps rouler"!!
DJ Macy at 6:00! and DJ Kith at 7:30!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Events 3