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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

It's time to select your parcel if you signed up as an Exhibitor or Merchant for OSFest! Parcel assignments for all sponsors and large exhibitors and merchants have been completed for those who made requests (Nyx, Luna, Lain, Trouble, and Modee) so they don't need to choose their parcels. The rest of you can now choose where you want to be on the grid using this webpage. You only need to enter your avatar name (email is optional as that is shown on the page if you enter it). Reference the diagram parcel numbers when you choose your spot. Use this link to select your parcel: https://signupschedule.com/osfest

You can see the grid map in the OSFest Discord at this link: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/89187163372639847...

Exhibitors: Choose a parcel from either of the Alchemist Estates.

Merchants: Select your merchant parcel from the Guild Estate.

Exhibitors and Merchants: Larger exhibitors and merchants may select parcels from one of the two Marches Estates. Keep in mind that those larger estates are split into two regions: Chlorine uses Yengine and ubode physics; Quantium uses Xengine and Bulletsim.

Important! It is not too late to sign up as an exhibitor, performer, merchant, sponsor , or volunteer. If you would like to participate in some role, please go here: https://www.opensimfest.com/register

Or here: https://www.opensimfest.com/callforsponsors