OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

It's not ready to be visited yet but we have a new region being prepared. This region is a Memorial region open to all who may wish to hold memorial services or to place a remembrance of a loved one. Haven of Memories will open soon on and it promises to be soothing and beautiful. You can come and just sit and remember the good times if that's all you want to do, the gardens will be open to all. COMING SOON!

Carmen Jewel: I Think this is a wonderful idea, we all need a place to keep a memory of someone who has passed into another world. 2 years ago

Make no mistake, what I like is astronomy, not rockets....

But doing this simulator (it's endless...), I'm realizing many things.

1. I have gone where I was not called.

2. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict reaches the space.

The international station, the ISS, is falling apart... The docked Soiuz has large meteorite impacts. An unmanned one will arrive on February 20 to return the astronauts to Earth (only the Russians)...

Russia has decided not to carry supplies and the ISS has to start its engines every day, to maintain orbit and not fall, plus water and food.

SpaceX has a spacecraft there, but it only holds 4 people out of the 7 that inhabit it in total. In case of emergency, if something happens before February 20, they will not be able to return in the SpaceX spacecraft either, the astronauts' suits are custom-made for each one, so the Russians could not return in it (they could not sit down for re-entry).

SpaceX will continue to carry supplies (as long as NASA pays), but we all know how Elon Musk's business is going.

NASA on the other hand, is investing in the Moon colonization project, they didn't count on fixing the ISS.... Besides, their latest plan, as they fail to land on Luna with the Orion, is to... crash the spacecraft (the necessary instruments are saved for now, they say). I'm sure this is quite economical

Will the ISS make it to 2031, when it was scheduled to be destroyed in the ocean?
My guess is that international politics will destroy it sooner.

Taking into account, that there is a new space race between SpaceX, China, Arab Emirates, USA and some crazy couple who want to go to Mars (right now nobody is able to reach the Moon and land, but they want to go to Mars...).

Why invest in Mars? Why did we go to Luna?


No os equivoquéis, lo que me gusta es la astronomía, no los cohetes....

Pero haciendo este simulador (es interminable...), me estoy dando cuenta de muchas cosas.

1. Me he metido donde no me llamaban.

2. El conflicto ruso-ucraniano llega al espacio.

3. La estación internacional, la ISS, se cae a pedazos... La Soiuz acoplada tiene grandes impactos de meteoritos. Una no tripulada llegará el 20 de febrero para devolver a los astronautas a la Tierra (sólo a los rusos)...

Rusia ha decidido no llevar suministros y la ISS tiene que encender sus motores todos los días, para mantener la órbita y no caer, además de agua y comida.

SpaceX tiene una nave allí, pero sólo caben 4 personas de las 7 que la habitan en total. En caso de emergencia, si ocurre algo antes del 20 de febrero, tampoco podrán volver en la nave de SpaceX, los trajes de los astronautas están hechos a medida para cada uno, por lo que los rusos no podrían volver en ella (no podrían sentarse para la reentrada).

SpaceX seguirá llevando suministros (mientras la NASA pague), pero todos sabemos cómo va el negocio de Elon Musk.

La NASA por su parte, está invirtiendo en el proyecto de colonización de la Luna, no contaban con arreglar la ISS.... Además, su último plan, como no consigan aterrizar en Luna con la Orión, es... estrellar la nave (los instrumentos necesarios están guardados por ahora, dicen). Seguro que esto es bastante económico

¿Llegará la ISS a 2031, cuando estaba previsto que se destruyera en el océano?
Mi opinión es que la política internacional la destruirá antes.

Teniendo en cuenta, que hay una nueva carrera espacial entre SpaceX, China, Emiratos Árabes, EEUU y alguna pareja de locos que quieren ir a Marte (ahora mismo nadie es capaz de llegar a la Luna y aterrizar, pero quieren ir a Marte...).

¿Por qué invertir en Marte? ¿Por qué fuimos a Luna?

Ellen: Very interesting stories! 2 years ago
Group notices are borked even more than usual, so it looks like no one got my new group gift notice:

"There's a brand new group gift at the Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid, and you don't want to miss it! Look for the box in the lobby by the group joiner kiosk. Thank you again for your patronage!"

HG Address: Emporium - Main Store

Greedy Game Social - A get together to play greedy and make new friends! @ AMV Welcome, Fridays 3-5 PM Grid Time
All are welcome both on and off gridders! Beer & Pizza for everyone!

After a year or so of being in Open Sim... I'm beginning to work on a proper OS avatar without any of the pirated material. I know Dorena's World has some Ruth2 outfits. Are there other spots I can TP to for more Ruth2 goodness? This will take some time for me, and my RL week ahead looks quite busy so I may not have much time to work on this until the end of it.

I know some of the Athena clothes I have now can fit Ruth2 with some alphas... the shoes I have on here are for the Athena. Right then, I must snooze now so I'll have to check replies later. Thanks for looking + any advice.

Luna Lunaria: Here's a link to a pdf of @JupiterRowland 's list of destinations. Feel free to download it and pass it along. If there's interest, I can also post it in the Opensimworld discord server: https://driv... 2 years ago


MashUp has several floors of props, poses, and images.
This can be a great creative outlet and can be used to tell stories and express emotions. MashUp images you take can be used in your ads.

Marianna : I have given this OAR to Fred, it will be available for download in the coming days. Have fun! 2 years ago
To Laika and all the four-legged astronauts who have flown in Space

"The more time passes, the more I regret what happened. We shouldn't have done it... we didn't even learn enough from this mission to justify the loss of the animal."
Oleg Gazenko, one of the leading scientists in the space animal programme, and Laika's trainer, commented.

Laika was only two years old and before she was collected for the space programme she had known nothing but the cold of the Moscow streets. Before the launch, Yazdovsky wanted to give her a little happiness and took her home to play with his children: "I wanted to do something good for her, as she had very little time left to live.

Vladimir Yazdovsky made the final selection of dogs and designated their roles. Laika was to be the "flying dog" - a sacrifice to science on a one-way mission into space. Albina, who had already flown twice in a high-altitude test rocket, was designated as Laika's backup. The third dog, Mushka, was a "control dog" - she would stay on the ground and was used to test instrumentation and life support.

Laika was placed in the satellite capsule on 31 October 1957 - three days before the start of the mission. At that time of year, temperatures at the launch site were extremely low, so a hose connected to a heater was used to keep the container warm. Two assistants were in charge of keeping a constant watch over Laika before the start of the mission. Just before take-off on 3 November 1957, Laika's coat was cleaned with an ethanol solution, and those areas where the dog would wear sensors to monitor her bodily functions were painted with iodine.

One of the technicians who prepared the capsule before the final liftoff stated that "after Laika was placed in the container and before the hatch was closed, we kissed her nose and wished her bon voyage, knowing that she would not survive the flight."

Laika died hours after launch from overheating, which was probably caused by a failure of the R-7 central sustainer, part of the spacecraft's thermal system, to separate from the payload. The true cause and time of her death was not revealed until 2002; instead, it was widely reported that she had died on the sixth day,4 ran out of oxygen, or as the Soviet government initially claimed, was euthanised before oxygen depletion. The experiment demonstrated that it is possible for a living passenger to survive being put into orbit and endure microgravity, paving the way for human spaceflight and providing scientists with some of the first data on how living organisms react to spaceflight environments. Following Laika, the USSR sent eight more dogs into space, six of which returned alive to Earth.

Sputnik 2 was not designed to be retrievable, and it was always intended that Laika would die. The mission sparked a worldwide debate about the mistreatment of and experiments on animals to advance science. In the UK, the National Canine Defence League (NCDL, now the Dog Foundation) called for dog owners to observe a minute's silence in Laika's honour. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) received protests even before Radio Moscow had finished announcing the launch. Several animal rights groups protested outside Soviet embassies, others demonstrated outside the United Nations in New York, but some American scientists offered support to their Soviet colleagues, at least before Laika's death was announced.


A Laika y a todos los astronautas de 4 patas que llegaron al Espacio

«Cuanto más tiempo pasa, más lamento lo sucedido. No debimos haberlo hecho... ni siquiera aprendimos lo suficiente de esta misión como para justificar la pérdida del animal.»
Comentó Oleg Gazenko, uno de los principales científicos del programa de animales en el espacio, y entrenador de Laika

Laika tenía solo dos años y antes de ser recogida para el programa espacial no había conocido más que el frío de las calles moscovitas. Antes del lanzamiento, Yazdovsky quiso obsequiarla con un poco de felicidad y se la llevó a su casa para que jugara con sus hijos: “Quería hacer algo bueno por ella, ya que le quedaba muy poco tiempo de vida”.

Vladimir Yazdovsky hizo la selección final de perros y designó sus roles. Laika iba a ser la «perra voladora» —un sacrificio a la ciencia en una misión de ida al espacio. Albina, que ya había volado dos veces en un cohete de prueba a gran altura, se designó como reserva de Laika. El tercer perro, Mushka, era un «perro de control» -se quedaría en tierra y era usada para probar la instrumentación y el soporte vital.

Laika fue colocada en la cápsula del satélite el 31 de octubre de 1957 —tres días antes del inicio de la misión. En esa época del año, las temperaturas en el sitio de lanzamiento eran extremadamente bajas, por lo que se usó una manguera conectada a un calentador para mantener caliente el contenedor. Dos asistentes estaban encargados de vigilar constantemente a Laika antes del comienzo de la misión. Justo antes del despegue, el 3 de noviembre de 1957, se limpió el pelaje de Laika con una solución de etanol, y le pintaron con yodo aquellas áreas donde la perra llevaría sensores para vigilar sus funciones corporales.

Uno de los técnicos que preparó la cápsula antes del despegue final declaró que «después de la colocación de Laika en el contenedor y antes de cerrar la escotilla, le besamos la nariz y le deseamos buen viaje, sabiendo que no iba a sobrevivir al vuelo.»

Laika murió horas después del lanzamiento por sobrecalentamiento,​ que probablemente fue ocasionado por un fallo del sustentador de la central R-7, que forma parte del sistema térmico de la nave, al separarse de la carga útil.​ La verdadera causa y tiempo de su muerte no fue revelada sino hasta 2002; en cambio, fue ampliamente informado que había muerto al sexto día,​ se quedó sin oxígeno, o como el gobierno soviético alegó inicialmente, fue sometida a eutanasia antes del agotamiento del oxígeno. El experimento demostró que es posible que un pasajero vivo sobreviva al ser puesto en órbita y soportar la microgravedad, allanando el camino para los vuelos espaciales humanos y proporcionando a los científicos algunos de los primeros datos sobre cómo los organismos vivos reaccionan a los entornos de los vuelos espaciales. Tras Laika, la URSS envió ocho perros más al espacio, de los cuales seis regresaron con vida a la Tierra

El Sputnik 2 no fue diseñado para ser recuperable, y siempre se tuvo la intención de que Laika muriera. La misión desencadenó un debate mundial sobre el maltrato y los experimentos con animales para avanzar en la ciencia. En el Reino Unido, la Liga Nacional de Defensa Canina (NCDL, actualmente Fundación para los Perros) pidió que los dueños de perros guardaran un minuto de silencio en honor a Laika. La Real Sociedad para la Prevención de la Crueldad contra los Animales (RSPCA) recibió protestas incluso antes de que Radio Moscú hubiera terminado de anunciar el lanzamiento. Varios grupos protectores de los derechos animales protestaron frente a embajadas soviéticas. Otros se manifestaron frente a las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York;​ sin embargo, algunos científicos estadounidenses ofrecieron apoyo a sus colegas soviéticos, por lo menos antes de que se anunciara la muerte de Laika.

Jerralyn Franzic: Lovely space sim you have here! Perfect for people overwhelmed with the giant space sims, like the ISM ones in Kitely and SL. :) 2 years ago
Hello brothers and sisters :-) here awaits you
a Viking "Lothbrok Farm" and long walks or on horseback, whatever you guys or maiden like ;-) there are also Viking clothes and some useful things for a farm or Viking followers available. Have fun exploring ..Odin be with you!!!
If the ocean were whisky
And I was a duck
I’d swim to the bottom
And drink my way up
~Ry Cooder~

But today I ain't ducking around. This outfit is not suitable for diving. But it is suitable for drinking. Let's raise a glass for oh HELLO.

Jerralyn Franzic: I already have a version of this outfit, in my OSgrid account. Good stuff, looks even better IMO if you have some tattoos on. Can't recall where I snagged it in Open Sim. Fun to wear whenever I feel a... 2 years ago
I look forward to your visits this year:

At my Main Store: Emporium - Main Store
At my Egyptian region Luxor:
At my temple region Lunaria on Mobius:
At my Kitely store: Emporium
At my online store on the Kitely Market where I currently offer about 200 products that can be exported anywhere:

And finally at Utopia Skye Grid, which is primarily closed to the hypergrid, I have a store there where everything is free to local residents only. Please note that these are not allowed to be exported off the Utopia grid.

Happy New Year .. NEWs at the Mainstore

Happy New Year

KikiBaily: Happy New Year 2 years ago

NEWs at the Mainstore

Tattoos, Drinking, And Outfit Making
I have a friend who, unlike many these days, does not have a tattoo. He says he will never get a tattoo. The only modification of his physical appearance is his developing beer belly.

I've warned him that drinking as much as he does is not safe. He runs the risk of getting too drunk and ending up in a tattoo parlor! I would know. It happened to me.

OK, that's a lie. I mean, I might have been a little bit drunk while assembling this outfit. But really. In my mind, the outfit would not be complete without the tattoo.

Oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Thirza Ember: Tatoo much information? Never. 2 years ago

Happy Holidays to all. May the New year bring peace and joy to all.

Everything In The Picture But Me
A recent review commented that oh HELLO outfits include hair and accessories. Gosh. I guess I haven't mentioned that lately. So, just so you know, you get everything you see in pictures of oh HELLO outfits -- except me. Also, if any item is part of a fat pack, you get them all.

One of the hardest parts of making this outfit was deciding on the footwear. Ankle boots? Knee high boots? Thigh high boots? Well, now that decision is up to you. The outfit includes all of the Samantha boot set (which, by the way, can be hard to find).

Back to accessories. I have a relatively small number of them, and I could use more. Please, tell me the best places to shop. Thanks.

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

NEWs at the Mainstore

Sanctuary of The Ancients built by Star Ravenhurst is an absolutely gorgeous build, beautifully textured and well thought out. You can find this wonderful build here at our mall on the 2nd level of builds. Hope to see you there soon!
I designed my logo a few years back to represent all my creative endeavors, but also to capture the esoteric essence of Luna, the triple Moon Goddess of legend. Triple moon because she is represented by the waning moon, the full moon, and the waxing moon. She has gone by many names over the ages: Luna, Selene, Hecate, Artemis, Diana, even Persephone at times. Her tripartite nature is embodied in the Three Graces, the Three Fates, the Three Muses, and the Three Stages of of the Feminine: Young Maiden, Mother, and the Experienced Elder. As her namesake, I bask in the light of her subtle inspiration falling around me on clear, hushed evenings, urging me to walk the path of love, to discover mystery in the simplest of things, and to be lost in wonder.

Gleich hole ich mir einen Glühwein. :-)
I'll get myself a mulled wine soon. :-)

Season's Greetings to all my friends, when I think of the new year I like to think of it as the beginning of a new novel and the first day is the first page~ Let's create a novel of good deeds and good wishes for a prosperous new year for everyone. Let's not "Hit On" people to use them for our needs instead let's prop them up and collaborate together as a team.

Jack enjoys his life in his isolated and very humble house
Like he said : « Thanks God, I have everything I need: food, a good stove
confortable beds, light and even good music ! »

christmas blonde animesh baby girl in baby carrier gift from cloe for christmas

CLOE: certainly for all grids they are not like some grids that put sims on opensim and then ban them for no reason 2 years ago

Symphony: eets so pretty 2 years ago

⚔ Vikings ⚔
King Ragnar came back!!
Come to see him

Advent melancholy

Today 20.30 Uhr (11.30 a.m. SLT)
Freibier für Alle --- Free Beer for Everyone

KarinBecker: Danke für diesen Tollen Abend Tolle Musik nette und liebe Leute gruss Karin 2 years ago

We Release the New Male Body Chonsu
We Celebrate .............Dj Silver on the Turntables Club

Endlich ist es soweit .. wir eröffnen unser Grid am Freitag den 2.12.22 ab 18 Uhr
Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen kräftig mitzufeiern !
Dj Genie ( 90er Hits ) - 18 Uhr - 20 Uhr
Djane Bella ( Remixe ) - 20 Uhr - open End
Wir feiern bis der Arzt kommt :)

Finally the time has come.. we open our grid on Friday 2.12.22 from 9AM SLT
You are cordially invited to join in the celebrations!
Dj Genie ( 90s Hits ) - 9AM - 11AM
Djane Bella ( Remixes ) 11AM - open end
We celebrate until the doctor comes :

Crazyposeidon: Alles Gute für euch mit dem neuen Grid wünschen C&C Peace and Love 2 years ago


Suzan Von Otter: Beautiful sword. I had recently seen a documentary about this saga. There are x variations on the people king locations and appearance of the sword in principle, each is good. In England, several town... 2 years ago

📝 Espace francophone

Partagez des messages en français sur OpenSimWorld. Annoncez votre grille, vos régions, les événements et les rencontres francophones. Contribuez au dynamisme de la communauté.

Hey, Winter is now arrived at Novale!
and with Winter...
our Christmas Market place
Happy fist Sunday of Advent

Moonrose Presents Dj Richi in the Mix
ab 20.00Uhr
The Best Tunes for a New Week-Tune in and Dance out Club

Endlich ist es soweit .. wir eröffnen unser Grid am Freitag den 2.12.22 ab 18 Uhr
Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen kräftig mitzufeiern !
Dj Genie ( 90er Hits ) - 18 Uhr - 20 Uhr
Djane Bella ( Remixe ) - 20 Uhr - open End
Wir feiern bis der Arzt kommt :)

Finally the time has come.. we open our grid on Friday 2.12.22 from 9AM SLT
You are cordially invited to join in the celebrations!
Dj Genie ( 90s Hits ) - 9AM - 11AM
Djane Bella ( Remixes ) 11AM - open end
We celebrate until the doctor comes :

Setting up for today's WHITE FRIDAY show! (1 PM) Free Ice Skates and Hot Chocolate...
Deets here:

Immersion Island presented a whimsical Metaverse virtual "Tribute" production celebrating the best holiday season of any year with a tribute to the time-honored "Macy's " Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Now open to the public.
Anvil Island

Part 1


Shandon's Alices Restaurant
Cannabis Information Center-Leafly is the world’s largest cannabis information resource, empowering people in legal cannabis markets to learn about the right products for their lifestyle and wellness needs. The Leafly team of cannabis professionals collectively share years of experience in all corners of the market, from growing and retail to science and medicine, to data and technology.
We have been given permission to share these resources at a convenient info center.

Marianna : We have free cannabis and gifts to share here. Enjoy! 2 years ago

Welcome to the Old Sea Dog pier. A great place to start your exploration of the many facets of Misty Isle.

Michael T: Looking great there Paula, your region is such a nice place to chill and relax :-) 2 years ago