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As everyone knows ufo's are everywhere. TV shows are rampant with bug-eyed toothless people who swear they seen one. Based on world wide ufo reporting we are getting visited on earth about 8 million times a year... Either that or a LOT of people are LYING for the sake of LYING. "I wuz standin in uh field with bubba and milford, when all uh sudden a brite lite comes down out the sky an it kep on gittin closer an closer. We dun did try to git sum pictures but are camera was messed up so we got this fuzzy out of focus grainy 1932 film exposure usin granny hawkins camera. Y'all bleev at don't ya? I sware we ain lyin! Y'all bleev me don't ya? Sure nuff, Sho' did...."
Even worse are the liars who SWEAR on their life that they were abducted and probed in their anuses. I can just see the aliens now. "Zyphod let's poke around in this ones butthole for a while, for no good reason whatsoever. I mean, like, we just flew 30 trillion miles from our home planet to look inside buttholes, so get some good pictures and for Dylarg's sake, don't use granny hawkins camera!"