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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

☻ Mirror and mise en abyme ☻

There is no virtual and real for me, my avatar is me, I am my avatar, everything is my reality...

The way I work is a back and forth between the virtual and the real;
Most of the time, everything starts with a 3D model that is often used in my virtual installations, then this model is printed in 3D and becomes a physical sculpture. Finally, I sometimes scan these sculptures while keeping the alterations they contain and reintroduce them into the virtual space.

These different works have superimposed layers, by playing with the different techniques, they transform, reveal glitches, this mutation is the reflection of the random and multiple visions that I like to explore.

In the AnatoBotanica region, I created a space where you can see my real sculptures in the form of scans, and also a gallery with works in augmented reality.

Some of my actual sculptures, as well as augmented reality digital prints are available for sale, to view my work please visit: https://artmvn.art/

♥Thank you Pangea Grid team for letting me build on Anatobotanica ♥