I don't know what happened, but I don't like it at all when someone misuses a post of mine to post meaningless and insulting chatter. 🤬🤬🤬Therefore, I have deleted the inappropriate comment by TomasEtzel and would like to apologize to Jimmy Olsen and Xenon Darrow, whose replies were also deleted as a result. 😢😢😢
I may be new here, but I've learned more insults in the past few weeks here from OSW in the “Box” than I did during my entire time in school. It's so sad that grown, intelligent people have nothing better to do. 😭😭😭
I don't want any trouble with anyone here, I just want to post things of mine once in a while that I think other people might find a little interesting. I am very disappointed that my post has been exploited to attack another person. 😒😠😡
You can comment under my post what you think and whether you like it or not, as long as you remain respectful and the comment is on topic. Please don't forget that there are still people with feelings on the other end of the line. Thank you!