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DJ Moonie's Sweet, Southern "Dirty Blues" at Lady Blue 6:30!

Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: 4 years ago [27 Nov 2020 18:00 SLT]

It's DJ Moonie's turn to take the stage and spin the sexiest, dirtiest Blues this Grid will allow!!! Ohhh it's all about the laughter! The silliness! The raunchiness and the FUN!!! This is our night to let it all hang out and just relax with some amazingly fun and naughty Blues and no one does them better than Moonie!! No brakes and holds barred for this girl! We love formal wear on this night so put on your pretties, grab some friends and come play with the Tribe!!
Formal! Fun! Friends and as always..FABULOUS Blues!!!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou