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AMV Tour Boat Sails @ 2pm From Metasea to Meridian Undersea World!

Where: MetaSea
When: 3 years ago [17 Jul 2022 14:00 SLT]

AMV Tour Boat Sails @ 2pm From Metasea to Meridian Undersea World!

We dock at the Outlands of Meridian and take a submarine down to the deep..
Meridian-the lines connecting Mankind with the Sea. A Mer & Undersea RP community accessible to all.
Meridians being lines that cross over and meet...this is where the Humans and Merfolk come together. There are FREE HOMES for Merfolk in two different styles / areas, The Mer Art Museum, Club Neptune, Meridian Palace , an Airport, The Seahorse Amethyst Mines, The Peoplequarium, The Cave Gazebo and lots of places to exploreI

Meridian spans an area of 9 5x5 central regions with 16 surrounding 5x5 regions - 345 meters deep (1000 ft)
A total of 25 VAR 5x5 regions (the size of 150 SL Sims) making it a TREMENDOUS Undersea World-Jutting 300 meters above the main grid and surrounded in waterfalls cascading down to the grid... (3, 199, 28)